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Snare of Love novel Chapter 410

Dolores was shocked for a while, and she soon realized what he was referring to. It was out of her expectation that he knew it so fast. After all Jeffery was his father. He wouldn’t have told him based on Matthew’s character.

“This is none of your business. You don’t have to worry.” Dolores didn’t really expect that he supported which side. He could absolutely stay neutral, not helping anyone.

Even if he was on Jeffery’s side, she wouldn’t complain, because that was his dad.

Sean stood up to walk to the window. Dolores knew that he could be in dilemma because of this. But Jeffery would not be worried. He never thought of others.

His father…

Sean didn’t want to think of Jeffery, because he could only bring disappointments.

“Tell my brother, that if he needs me anytime, just come over.” Sean turned over and seemingly wanted to say something. He paused and looked at Dolores, “Are you feeling any better now?”

Dolores smiled and replied, “It’s got much better, no worries.”

“Good, or I don’t know how to let my brother and Samuel relieve”. It was because of Jeffery that Dolores was suffering. Even though he and Jeffery had a bad term, but Jeffery was his father, this was the fact.

Dolores sighed. Why the grudge from the past generation brought the suffers to this generation?

She had nothing to comfort Sean. The only thing that she could do was to let him calm down, “If you think it is boring in the country, you could spend some time abroad.”

In this way he could avoid the issues, and he would not be worried because of this issue.

Sean smiled, “I won’t go.”

He couldn’t go at this time.

He looked at Charles. He didn’t talk at all since he entered the room, besides only sitting in the wheelchair, looking at Dolores. Sean asked, “He is your friend?”

Dolores nodded.

Sean was relieved. It was good that Dolores knew him. If he brought someone who had no relationship, they might disturb Dolores.

“I’m leaving.” Sean wondered if there was anyway that could solve this issue peacefully.

He didn’t want to see that Jeffery and Matthew becoming enemies.

“Mhmm.” Dolores replied slightly.

After Sean left, Charles moved his wheelchair and got closer to her.

Her face was pale. And Charles showed up worries, “Why didn’t you even tell me when such big issue happened?”

Dolores didn’t want to discuss this with Charles, so she changed the topic, “Why aren’t you leaving?”

“It’s Jeffrey that wronged you, correct?”

Charles didn’t want to stop, “Dolores, is this a small issue?”

“No mater how serious this issue is, it’s not your business. Please do not interfere and go back to your White City. This is a complicated issue. Once you got involved, it is hard to get out from this boat.” Dolores persuaded.

Jeffrey wanted Mathew to marry the woman from the Chambers Family. And the Chambers Family was not ordinary family. They of course had their own intention since they had accepted the offer. This was not the White City, nor Charles’ territory. Why bother if it was the place only to be bullied?

The way that Charles looked at her was more and more serious, “Are you caring about me now?”

Dolores looked into his eyes, responded straightforwardly, “I am grateful since you have saved my life. There was something happened in the White City. And I knew, you didn’t initiate this. Also, I don’t think you could help with my own issue.”

Charles laughed, “How do you know that I couldn’t help?”, his laughter intensified, “Don’t you think it is a good time to cooperate with Matthew and take Jeffery down?”

Dolores smiled, “You still couldn’t give this up.”

“You are right, I can’t give it up. It is my dream to revenge for my adopted father.” Each word reflected the determination of Charles.

Last time he was about to leave after hearing what Dolores had said. But after this happened, he thought it would be an opportunity. He couldn’t take Jeffery down by himself. But it might not be impossible with the help of Matthew.


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