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Snare of Love novel Chapter 411

Tom was stunned for a moment. Who were these roses bought for?

Everyone knew that roses represented love. Soon, he seemed to think of something else, and he felt unworthy for Charles, “Ms. Flores is already married, why do you have to be so obsessed?”

Charles looked up with an unhappy face, “Since when do you get to judge my personal affairs?”

Tom bowed his head, “I’m sorry.”

Charles didn’t want to look into it, he just didn’t like others to interfere with his affairs, “I’ll buy it myself. You push me over.”

“Yes.” Tom lowered his head.

Tom pushed Charles across the street and went into a flower shop. The unique fragrance of the flowers blew against his face. There were many flowers in the shop. The various scents mixed together which created another special smell.

The florist came over to greet them, “May I help you?”

Charles ignored her but rolled his wheelchair toward the location where the roses were placed. The roses were red as the fire, they were also like the sunset glow, they were amazingly beautiful.

The florist quickly realized that what flowers he wanted to buy. She quickly approached him, “May I know how many roses you need?”

Charles said lightly, “Five roses, please.”

The florist froze for a while, and then she smiled and said, “Okay, please wait a moment.”

As she said, she chose five dainty, blooming roses. She filled in the gaps with white pearls. The white pearls set off the red roses, making them look even more beautiful. The florist selected a light-colored wrapping paper to wrap these roses. She had good wrapping skills, and the roses were wrapped beautifully.

“Here you go.” She handed the bouquet to Charles with both hands.

Charles took it and placed it on his laps. He looked down, lightly stroked the petals, and instructed faintly, “Tom, pay for it.”

“A total of 380 Yuan.” The florist said.

Tom gave her 400 Yuan and told her to keep the change. Then, he pushed Charles’s wheelchair, and they left the flower shop.

“Are we still going to the hospital?” Tom asked.

‘Did he buy the flowers just for himself?’

Charles answered lightly.

Tom sighed inwardly. Except for Charles’s inability to walk, everything else about Charles was perfect in Tom’s eyes.

How would a man like that like a married woman?

He could get any kind of woman if he wanted. But why did he focus a married woman?

Tom didn’t understand, and he couldn’t understand.

However, he dared not to say it. He could only think about it silently in his heart.

He felt unworthy for Charles.

When they went back to the hospital, the guards at the door looked at him strangely. ‘He had left, hadn’t he? Why is he back again?’

“I’ll leave after I hand her the flowers,” Charles said.

The guards were a little embarrassed.

Their boss instructed them not to just let anyone get in or out of the ward, and he had already been in there once earlier.

Meanwhile, Carol came out to throw the trash. She walked over when she saw Charles who was blocked in the doorway. She seemed to be wondering why Charles had left and then returned.

So, she came over and asked, “Is there anything else?”

Charles handed Carol the bouquet, “Please pass this to her for me.”

Carol was quite happy, and she took it over. These flowers were so beautiful, and they brought people in a good mood when looked at them. If these flowers were placed in the ward, they would make the ward vibrant. Dolores couldn’t get out of the bed now, so maybe she would be happy to see these beautiful flowers. Carol smiled and said, “I thank you on behalf of Missus. Her health isn’t good right now, so I won’t invite you in. The doctor told her to rest more.”


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