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Snare of Love novel Chapter 416

The more Dolores Flores tried to be strong in front of Matthew Nelson, the more Matthew felt heartache.

Matthew was hugging her too tightly, Dolores felt that she was almost suffocated, so she pushed him, “Are you trying to suffocate me?”

Matthew’s arms relaxed a bit, but he didn’t let go of her.

His strong arms bent, the two fingers passed across her neck and pinched her cheeks, her face was squeezed and crumpled together. Matthew looked at her from the left and the right, there was affection in his eyes which was hard to be explained, “You look so ugly, some more you like to pretend.”

She had always pretended that she was fine, not scared of anything, and as if she could bear everything.

Dolores was speechless.

Dolores pretended that she was angry, “Since I look ugly, then why you still like me?”

Matthew put her in the bed, “I’m blind.”

Dolores was speechless again.

Looking at him, Dolores initially wanted to ask about how that thing was going, was there any solution for it, but she didn’t ask it at the end although it was already on the tip of her tongue.


The phone in Matthew’s pocket rang at the time, he took out the phone and had a look at it, the screen was displaying Boyce Shawn’s number.

However, he didn’t answer the call and had directly hung up the phone.

Dolores lay down, “I’ll let you go, I’m tired and I want to sleep for a while.”

In fact, she didn’t feel sleepy, she just didn’t want Matthew not being able to deal with the matters because of worrying her.

Matthew knew what she was thinking, but he didn’t expose her, he lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, “Don’t think of anything, I’ll always be there, have a good rest.”

Dolores hummed.

Matthew left the ward, he saw that Coral was chatting with the nurse at the nurse station, he walked there.

Coral saw that he had come out, she asked, “Have you had your breakfast?”

Matthew hummed and said, “You shall spend more time with her when you’re free.”

Coral said that she knew it, Dolores couldn’t get out from the bed now, so for sure there must be somebody staying beside her.

“Don’t worry,” Coral said.

Matthew trusted Coral so much, he looked back at the two men who were guarding at the door when he walked out.

The men immediately stood straight, “Mr. Nelson.”

Matthew lowered his voice, “Don’t let anyone have access to the room without my permission, except for Coral, understand?”


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