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Snare of Love novel Chapter 417

“That is also a good idea.” There was no other way in this situation.

Jeffery and Eddie had joined forces to be completely ruthless. Even if Dolores was pregnant, they could still get her in.

At this moment, Jessica walked in supported by medical staff.

Matthew looked at the doctor who followed her and asked, “How is she now?”

“All of the tests are done. We will not be able to make a treatment plan until the results come out.” The doctor said. He wanted to say more but hesitated, as if he was worried about Jessica, and then said, “Let’s discuss this outside.”

Jessica sat on the bed without speaking. She knew her condition.

Matthew followed the doctor outside. After making certain that Jessica couldn’t hear them at all, the doctor said, “The patient’s condition is not optimistic. If she has a strong desire to survive, there are some medicines that can be used as treatment even right now. It might take long, but it won’t harm her body that much. It should be no problem for her to live for a few years, if she… but I think her attitude is comparatively negative.”

The doctor was not afraid of the patient’s illness, but he feared that the patient was going to give up and not have the will to survive.

“Thank you. I understand. Then I will leave her treatment in your hands.” Matthew said slowly. He was afraid that Jessica had this attitude because seeing Randolph die had made her let go the hatred in her heart and she didn’t have much desire left to live.

This doctor was quite young and had studied abroad for many years. He specialized in terminal illnesses. He looked young but was very capable. He pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, “Of course, this is what a doctor should do. The director is also taking special care for this matter. We will definitely do our best.”

He paused and then said, “I have other patients to see, so I will take my leave first.”

Matthew nodded. After the doctor left, he stood in the corridor not returning to the ward. Instead, he bowed his head and pinched between his eyebrows. Jessica’s attitude made him very uneasy.

Her son died and she avenged him by killing Randolph. But had she ever thought about Dolores?

Dolores was also her daughter. She followed her through so many hardships, now that she was relieved of her pain, had she ever thought about what was going to happen to Dolores?

Matthew thought that Jessica was too selfish and thought only about herself, not about her daughter.

He let out a heavy sight, then turned and walked into the ward.

Jessica’s complexion seemed sick, her figure was skinny, her eyes were sunken, looking dim and lifeless.

Seeing Matthew walk in, she pulled a smile on her face, “Thank you for not letting Dolores know.”

Matthew looked at her, “Do you still care about her?”

Jessica was stunned for a moment, as if she didn’t expect Matthew to suddenly say such a thing, “She… is my daughter. Of course, I care about her.”


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