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Snare of Love novel Chapter 419

They had planned everything, they even prepared evidence to prove that Dolores was guilty, but at the same time they also prepared those to prove that she wasn’t.

When it happened, there were people in the back who recorded it all on camera, when Dolores shot at Sampson, it was in the situation when she panicked and wanted to protect herself, it didn’t take Sampson’s life, it was actually Sampson who grabbed Dolores’s hand and shot at himself that led to his death.

The videos that went viral on the internet, were the ones showing that Dolores shot Sampson, it was edited. The first half showed how Dolores took the shot, the fight between Sampson and Dolores was cut out, the next scene that was seen was Sampson lying on the ground in his own blood bath.

This made people believe that Dolores had killed him with her shot.

The complete video was in Jeffery’s hands, Eddie had copied it secretly from Jeffery’s computer, and he asked someone to edit the video and release it.

If the complete video was released, they could prove that Dolores didn’t kill anybody, she only tried to protect herself.

Matthew was not satisfied with this answer, he laughed, “You framed a woman for murder, and now you want to erase this with simply one sentence, don’t you think this is unfair?”

Jeffery frowned, he didn’t expect that he wouldn’t be satisfied, “What do you want?”

Matthew leaned back, and said without any emotions, “I don’t have high expectations, I just want every single person who was involved to apologize to her.”

Jeffery immediately got angry, this was his doing, if they had to apologize he would be on top of the list, be never thought that Matthew would ask that of him.

Apologize to Dolores?

Jeffery couldn’t do that.

He had never bent in front of anybody in his life.

“No way!” Jeffery turned him down.

Eddie also didn’t think that Matthew would want Jeffery to apologize to Dolores.

This was ridiculous!

“Your uncle is your elderly...”

“To be right or wrong has nothing to do with age, or does the law only care about the younger generation? If the elderly do wrong, should they stay unpunished?” Matthew interrupted Eddie, he laughed, “Officials, especially people like you, can do whatever you want?”

Eddie shut his mouth, he was still in position, he couldn’t allow himself to say anything in front of Matthew.

Anybody who had gotten as far as him knew that they had to watch their every word and step.

Jeffery’s face was filled with anger, he had always been a traditional person, he never agreed that men and women should be equal. Now Matthew wanted him to apologize to Dolores?

“Matthew, you want me to apologize because of a woman?” Jeffery’s eyes showed wrinkles that grew deeper by the minute.

Matthew was still smiling, but that smile had no emotions at all, “I don’t think you have a choice.”

Jeffery and Eddie both changed the color of their faces, Jeffery’s face looked even worse, “Matthew, what do you mean?”

Matthew stood up, and patted his shirt, then he said with significance, “You are not the only one who can play dirty tricks, if I am being serious, I do not think you can win me.”

Being an official was honorable, they had benefits, but they also had weak points.


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