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Snare of Love novel Chapter 418

Abbott said carefully, “If they are coming here, they must be trying to force you.”

They didn’t catch Chloe, did they have a way out seeing them?

Matthew didn’t explain himself, he only said lightly, “Do your work.”

Abbott stopped, then he turned around and went towards the office area, clearly he couldn’t help in this matter, so he would go and do the work he was good at.

Matthew opened the door to the meeting room, the moment he opened that door, the sun shone through the window at him, who was wearing a black suit.

Jeffery and Eddie were sitting and chatting on the black genuine leather couch, when they heard the door open, they turned to look, Matthew was lit up by the sunlight, they couldn’t see his face expression clearly, but they could see that this tall figure must be Matthew.

The two of them went quiet.

Matthew stepped towards them.

Jeffery spoke, “Have you thought about it?”

The reason he was there was because Eddie went to fetch him, he said that since this was already done, they needed to solve it soon.

It was obvious that he mentioned first for Chloe to marry Matthew.

Eddie had agreed, if he backed out now, it wouldn’t be fair to his friend.

And just like Eddie said, they didn’t have a way out anymore.

Eddie just received a call, he knew that Matthew had sued the media that were spreading the news about Dolores being a murderer, he didn’t dare to interfere anymore, he was afraid that Jeffery might get a clue, so he could only ask Jeffery to talk to Matthew.

It wasn’t really talking to Matthew, but more like pushing him.

Matthew sat down on the sofa, he crossed his legs elegantly, his calm eyes were on Jeffery, without any emotions.

When Jeffery met Matthew’s eyes, he stunned, this kind of distanced and calm look made him uncomfortable, he had said that uncountable times already, but he was going to repeated once more, “This is for your own good, why is she acting in collusion with Victoria? You are her husband, if she thought about you, she wouldn’t have put you in this tough spot, don’t you think?”

Matthew listened to him quietly.

Jeffery thought that Matthew finally thought about his words, so he continued harder, “You know how I have treated you all these years, half of the blood in your veins is from the Harris family, why would I hurt you? Chloe is only a little younger than Noah, she is still young, and she is pretty too, I don’t need to introduce her family again, you know them, you are made for each other...”

“Dolores.” Suddenly Matthew interrupted Jeffery, he leaned towards him, his hands were casually on his knees, his eyes were deep while staring at Jeffery, “My wife, Dolores, she is pregnant, did you know?”


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