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Snare of Love novel Chapter 422

Sean kept his head low in disappointment.

Marina thought that he was frustrated because of Chloe.

She hugged her son and comforted him, "Even though things are a little complicated, I'll try and help you will all my effort."

Sean turned his head and looked at Marina with gloomy eyes, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

Marina thought hard about it. She was clear with how stubborn Jeffery was and how much he cared for his sister who had passed away, so it would be impossible for him to let go of this thing. She could only try and persuade Mrs. Chambers and Chloe instead.

After giving it a thought, Marina looked at her son seriously and asked, "If you were to meet Chloe, how confident are you towards courting her?"

How confident?

He had no interest in her, okay?

Why did he need to be confident?

If he were really interested, he would have done it a long time ago. Why would he wait until now?

But he couldn't tell Marina the truth. He pretended to be hesitant as if he had no confidence, "I think it's about fifty percent chance."

Marina made up her mind immediately, "Fifty percent is more than enough. I'll go to the Chambers family and bring Chloe here."

In this way, Sean would get a chance to express his feelings to Chloe.

If Sean could be with Chloe, Jeffery would never be able to force Matthew to marry Chloe anymore. She understood better than Jeffery, Matthew would never marry Chloe. Even if he did it for Dolores's sake, they would not have a good ending.

Actually, Marina didn't want to hide this from her son, but she had her concerns as well. In the end, she didn't say anything. She got up, went to get changed, then went out.

As a mother, she was selfish.

Since they were all staying in the same neighbourhood, it only took Marina a while to get to the Chambers family's house. As she was about to knock on the door, her mobile phone rang.

She took out her phone and answered the call.

Eddie's anxious voice came from the other side of the call, "Is this Marina?"

Marina could recognize Eddie's voice, and replied, "Yes."

"Hurry up and come to No.2 People's Hospital. Jeffery has passed out. He's sent in to the emergency room now..."

Marina's mind went into a blank. Jeffery had passed out? He was sent into the emergency room?

She was so panicked that she didn't know if she should step forward or backward. The mobile phone in her hands was still connected to the call.

"Marina, are you listening?"

Marina regained her senses and replied, "Yes, I heard you. I'm coming over right now."

After getting married for so many years, she still had feelings for Jeffery. Other than being stubborn, as well as not being not gentle nor romantic, Jeffery was considered a good husband as he was sincere and loyal to her.

He came from a military background and had a tough physique. He would have his medical check-up twice a year and had remained healthy. Why did he suddenly pass out and ended up in the hospital?


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