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Snare of Love novel Chapter 423

"I apologize for the abruptness." After asking, Mrs. Chambers also felt that she was being too blunt, "Did I scared you?"

Sean shook his head and looked at Mrs. Chambers seriously, "Was it that obvious?"

For a moment, Mrs. Chambers didn't know what he meant. She paused for a second and said, "You, do you really like my daughter Chloe?"

Sean scratched his head and acted like he's embarrassed, "Is it very ridiculous?”

Mrs. Chambers quickly waved her hand and said, "No, no. I'm not that old-fashioned. At this kind of age, you and Chloe should be having a relationship already by now.”

Sean had been single. As for Chloe, she was too picky, therefore she never had a boyfriend before too.

Mrs. Chambers didn't feel abrupt about Sean suddenly expressed his feelings today. Instead, she felt that this was fate for the two of them.

Sean didn't expect that Mrs. Chambers would be so supportive of him and Chloe to be together.

Did she not know that Eddie wanted Chloe to marry Matthew?

Mrs. Chambers smiled, "Chloe is upstairs. You can go find her yourself, you already knew where her room is anyway."

Eddie didn't tell his wife regarding this because he felt that she didn't have to know about it. However, Mrs. Chambers was aware of this matter.

Eddie didn't tell her, and neither did Chloe. She actually heard it when Chloe was talking about it to Eddie.

But she didn't want Chloe to marry Matthew.

Eddie proclaimed that marrying Chloe to Matthew was for the good of the Chambers family, but Mrs. Chambers knew that he had something else in his mind.

Eddie had hidden this secret deep in his heart.

However, she had been in a relationship with him for so many years, so how could she not notice what was on her husband's mind?

Sean was dazed. He didn't expect that Mrs. Chambers would be so open-minded and voluntarily let him go and find Chloe in her room.


Sean was not sure if Mrs. Chambers was probing him, or if she was being sincere about it.

"Look at you. I've been watching you grow up since you were a child, how could I not believe in you?" Mrs. Chambers smiled and spoke.

Sean nodded, "Then I'm going to find Chloe."

Mrs. Chambers waved her hand. She watched Sean as he went upstairs, and a slight flicker flashed through her eyes. She's not going to let Eddie entrust her daughter to Matthew.

She was thinking of a way to stop Eddie, and Sean appeared at the right time.

As Sean walked to the second floor, he inadvertently glimpsed at Mrs. Chambers. Their families had good relationships, and they often visit each other. In his impression, Mrs. Chambers was a virtuous wife. However, she and Eddie didn't look like they were very close, but they were at least courteous to each other.

Mrs. Chambers would never refuse Eddie's request. Therefore, since she voluntarily allowed him to get in touch with Chloe, she mustn't have known that Eddie actually wanted Chloe to marry Matthew.


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