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Snare of Love novel Chapter 439

Charles was glad that Dolores came to see him, but at the same time, he felt devastated that Dolores came to see him for another man.

Dolores didn’t want to waste her time. She cut into the chase, “You broke your promise. I’m disappointed at you. I think you knew why I came to you. Tell me, what is it that I have to do to make you let go of this? I won’t stop you if you want to take revenge on Jeffery. It doesn’t matter to me if you’re dead or alive, but I won’t allow you to use Matthew as the weapon for your vengeance. Don’t think that I can’t do anything to you because I want to keep Matthew in the dark. Don’t forget that this is City B. Other than Matthew, there’s also Jayden in this city.”

Jayden wasn’t in charge of business for quite some time, but it didn’t mean that he was capable. It was an easy deed for Jayden to deal with an outsider like Charles.

Dolores didn’t always display her humbleness. At times, she was stubborn too. It meant she could play the hardball, and she could do negotiation as well.

Charles stared at Dolores for some time. Then he laughed, “You really would do anything for him.”

“He is my husband, the father of my children. I would do anything for him,” Dolores said. She stared back at Charles.

Dolores had nothing to hide.

Charles could fake his smile anything. He grasped the arms of the wheelchair with his hands, “What if I say, I want you?”

“You won’t. You’re way better than this. I’m a married woman, and I knew I am not that attractive. Now tell me, what do you want?” Dolores didn’t show any emotion on her face after hearing what Charles said. It was like she wasn’t the person Charles was talking about.

Dolores’ calmness surprised Charles.

“Are you a woman? Even if you don’t like me, don’t you think you need to show some sympathy after hearing my confession? You made me feel like a loser,” Charles didn’t hide his disappointment.

“You think I’m a big-hearted person? That I should care for you as well? No, I’m not. I’m petty. I can only have one person in my heart. There’s no space for another person. Now I hope that we could come back to what we were discussing. Tell me your term. If you don’t want to discuss it, that’s fine. It’s my last favour to you for coming here today. From today onwards, we’ll be enemies.”

Then, she called, “Boyce…”

“Hold on,” Charles didn’t expect Dolores to be this stubborn. When he saw her appeared by his doorsteps, he was even thinking if he could get her back as a term. Then he would take her away back to White City and lived a normal life ever after.

Charles didn’t know Dolores would be so stubborn.

Dolores was the reason why Charles was happy and sad, and Charles can’t do anything about it.

A car stopped by the street opposite the hotel. A man who should be drunk and sleeping in the villa was watching Charles and Dolores’ actions in the room through the video from the surveillance camera.

Matthew got people to investigate where Charles’ staying in City B when he appeared in the ward to send flowers to Dolores. City B was a big city, but there weren’t many luxury hotels in town. It’s not a difficult thing to know where Charles was staying.

Matthew knew Dolores probably got him drunk to come and see Charles. So, he asked his people to impersonate as a cleaner and hid a surveillance camera in the room.

Matthew could see every move Charles and Dolores made, and he could hear everything they have said, clearly.

Matthew leaned back on the chair. The shirt he wore was wrinkled. Matthew wore a pair of trousers and kept his legs crossed. He loosened the button of his collar using one hand, and rested his forehead on another hand. His hand covered most parts of his face and hid away his emotions.


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