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Snare of Love novel Chapter 440

“I’ve someone I like…”


Before Dolores could finish her words, Charles kissed her out of a sudden and stopped what she was going to say.

Dolores’ pupil constricted, and she wanted to push Charles away out of instinct.

“Don’t push me away. Just this once… Just once.” Charles begged in a coarse voice.

Dolores was stunned. Her heart skipped a beat. She could feel Charles’ sorrow and that he was choking up.

Her body was stiff.

After a while, Charles’ lips moved from Dolores’ lips to her cheeks, then stopped beside her ears, “When Jeffery framed you, I knew it was a chance for me to take revenge for my foster father, but on top of that, you’re the reason too. I didn’t want you to be bothered by anything bad. Matthew would still be kind to Jeffery if he didn’t know the truth. I believe he won’t look back after I reveal the truth. He would do what he could to have vengeance for you. All in all, I did underestimate your love for him. I’m jealous, and I’m envious. Please take good care of yourself. You’ll be losing a man who loves you from now on.”

Charles quickly turned around, “I’ll leave, and I won’t disappoint you this time. It will be our last meeting today. I will not step foot into City B anymore. Now, go.”

Dolores gazed at Charles’s back, “Thank you.”

Then, Dolores called Boyce, who stood outside of the room.

Soon, Boyce walked in and glanced at Charles.

“Let’s go,” Dolores said softly.

Boyce didn’t say anything and pushed Dolores out of the room.

Boyce asked after they got into the lift, “Is it done?”

Dolores looked and sounded cold. It was like she didn’t want to talk about it, “Yes.”

“Boyce, I’m tired,” Dolores pressed her glabella.

Boyce wasn’t dumb. He knew Charles wouldn’t help to hide the truth without asking for something. Boyce had to remind Dolores, “I believed that you knew Matthew’s temper well. It wasn’t a secret how Charles felt about you. He won’t grant your request without asking for something. I hope you would reject him directly if his terms were about you.”

Dolores raised her head and looked at Boyce, “What do you think he would do to me?”

Boyce remained silent.

Dolores smiled, but there were coldness in her eyes, “You think that we did some sexual agreements?”


“It is exactly what you think!” Dolores stopped Boyce.

Boyce looked down, “I’m sorry.”

“You weren’t only humiliating me when you have this thought.”

It was just a thought that flashed through Boyce’s mind, and he blurted it out. It was inappropriate. He felt bad about it.

After getting out of the lift, Boyce pushed Dolores out of the hotel entrance and headed to the car. Then, they saw Jayden.

Boyce stopped. Both Jayden and Boyce looked surprised to see each other, but soon, they knew why both of them came here. It was probably for the same reason.

After Victoria met Charles the other day, she went home and told Jayden about Charles. Victoria asked Jayden to get somebody to watch Charles, just in case he acted recklessly.

So, Jayden knew what happened in front of the hospital today.

“You went to see Charles?” Jayden kept his hand behind his back.

Dolores answered, “Yes. He will leave City B, and the doctor would be gone as well.”


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