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Snare of Love novel Chapter 443

The White Group was involved in the door industry, semiconductor industry, and real estate industry.

The local hotels and shopping malls were all built by the White Group. The White Group had created a lot of job opportunities for the locals. However, they didn’t let foreign workers enter. Therefore, the population of White City was not big. Therefore, the real estate development of the White Group was all done out of the city. Matthew Nelson had already seen which cities where their real estate development was distributed from the document that Abbott Baron gave him just now.

He also knew some real estate tycoons who had real estate development distributed all over the country. He picked up his phone and made a call.

The call was quickly picked up and the secretary answered first, “I am Matthew Nelson. I am looking for Mr. Foster.”

On the other side of the call, Mr. Foster was looking at this month’s sales. He seemed happy as the sales reached but also exceeded the target of this month.

Obviously, he was in a good mood.

He lit a cigarette and put it in his mouth. The secretary walked towards him, “There is a call from Mr. Nelson.”

Mr. Foster raised his head and looked at the secretary, “Who?”

He thought that he had a hallucination.

“Mr. Nelson from WY Group.” The secretary reminded him.

Mr. Foster gave a stern look to the secretary, “Do you think I don’t know who he is? I was surprised that he would look for me. Bring me the phone.”

The secretary brought the phone to him. Mr. Foster picked it up and he smiled, “Mr. Nelson? I am really surprised. Why do you remember me?”

Matthew was holding his phone while leaning on the chair. A pen was spinning in between his fingers. He was using a tone that was used to socialize for business. The tone was not too cold or warm. He was talking with the perfect tone as he smiled, “Is Mr. Foster blaming me for seldom contacting you?”

“I don’t dare. Mr. Nelson is always doing some big shots. I heard that the new energy development that you had invested in had been done. Congratulation.”

Matthew had completely reformed WY Group. No industry would always be at its peak. It was an unchangeable fact that it would decline in one day. This was because the rise of industry would bring in a lot of competitors.

The market was only this big. If more people were working on it, the profit would be less.

Every industry was making its progression because of innovation and reformation. However, all these would need a lot of money. Those who didn’t have strong financial power would be eliminated as they couldn’t make innovations and reformations.

Innovation required a lot of investment at first. Those who didn’t have a strong financial power did not dare to take part in it.

Matthew had known this a long time ago. He had already started to make reformation a few years ago. He made more innovations in its original main industry. He was still prioritizing to maintain its original industry while recruiting a lot of talented people and treasuring those talents. He was also willing to spend money and he had a group of researchers who were very capable.

He invested in pharmaceutical research, new energy development, and CPU…

The outsiders knew that he and Mr. Tyrone had a partnership to open Excellence Investment Bank. In fact, he had real control of the bank. Mr. Tyrone was only a figurehead and he would have some dividends every year.

It was not good to take all benefits alone. It would easily bring him a lot of trouble. Mr. Tyrone knew a lot of people in this industry. If the two of them had a partnership, no one dared to do anything as they both had strong family backgrounds.

Obviously, investment banks prioritized investment. As long as the profit was slightly higher than the other bank, it could attract a lot of investors.

He had an eye for good investments. He could use the investors’ money to invest what he wanted to develop.

And no one knew that he was a major shareholder for every industry that he had invested in. He owned the developers while the bank owned the money.

He only had to take one over three of the money for profit.

He would be at the top of the industry if he had the innovation of a new project. He was also a pioneer of the industry and he could gain a lot of profit. Of course, those who followed him later would not be at the top.

When the popularity of this industry went down, his new technology in another industry would be developed. He had invested in a lot of industries.

It would be an infinite loop. It would create the endless chain that he wanted.

And he would be the one who controlled the power.

Now the business model that he wanted was already on the right track.

“I have a project here. If Mr. Foster is interested, you could join me.” Every businessman would want profit. If he didn’t give some benefits to him, he would not be willing to work for you.


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