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Snare of Love novel Chapter 442

This time Dolores didn’t swallow the water, even though they were so intimate, she still felt a bit embarrassed, but very soon she had let go of the feeling. She bent down and touched his lips, giving him the water in her mouth.

Matthew opened his eyes and looked at the face that was so close to him, his eyes were filled with tears, but the pair of eyes became clear and deep again when Dolores got up and looked at him.

He curved up the corners of his mouth and hugged her, “Sleep together with me.”

Dolores lied down and leaned in his arms, his arms were strong and put around her slim body tightly.

The rain outside the window was still heavy, as if it would only stop until it flooded the whole city.

During the late night, Dolores slowly fell asleep in Matthew’s arms.

However, Matthew didn’t feel sleepy at all, he looked outside the window, it was obscuring.

After the whole night of rain, the air of the whole city became extremely fresh, the birds were chirping on the branches.

When Matthew woke up, Dolores was still deeply asleep, maybe it was due to the pregnancy, maybe it was because she had slept too late yesterday. She was still sleeping deeply at the moment without any signs of waking up.

Matthew stroked over her cheeks, he was stunned suddenly when he stroked over her lips inadvertently, his face was darkened and even the emotion in his eyes was not as gentle as it was just now. Dolores moved because she felt a bit itchy, his palm was warm, so she rubbed against his palm like a kitten. Matthew’s eyes which had became colder just now, became warm again, he then bent down and kissed on her forehead.

Dolores who was still inside the slumberland didn’t notice at all.

Matthew lifted the blanket and got out from the bed gently, he went to the washroom to wash himself and wear his suit. He glanced at Dolores on the bed when he came out from the washroom, she was still deeply asleep. He then saw the phone beside the pillow, she seemed to have received a message last night.

Who had sent the message?

He walked there and took the phone, Dolores didn’t set a password on her phone, so he could open it by just swiping. He clicked on the list of message, the first message was from Charles White.

His eyes darkened and his fingers stopped for a while, he then continued to open the message, “Goodbye, I’ve left.”

The message was not ambiguous, the message wasn’t to confess as well, so it didn’t make him angry, but the things that had happened last night still made him feel uncomfortable.

He swiped the phone so that it returned to the home screen, he then put the phone back to its original position and went downstairs. Coral had finished preparing the meal, Matthew went out after grabbing some bites, he told Coral before leaving, “Don’t wake her up, let her sleep for longer time. Prepare something for her first, she may be hungry when she wakes up.”

Coral smiled and noted, “Yesterday, she…”

Matthew pondered for a while and said, “She misses the two children, so she had gone to visit them, it’s okay.”

He didn’t want to talk more about this thing.

Coral laughed and said, “That’s fine.”

Coral was just worried about her health condition, some more she had gone outside last night, so she had asked Matthew.

“I’m leaving.” Matthew took the car key and went out.

Last night when Armand and Abbott went downstairs, they didn’t see Dolores and Boyce, so they had asked Coral, “Where are them?”

Coral said that she didn’t know, so they didn’t ask anymore, they didn’t continue to stay and they left since there was nobody at home. There was only Coral who knew that Matthew had went out last night and he had told her not to tell anyone.

She could only be discreet.

Walking out of the main door, Matthew took out his phone and gave Boyce a call while pressing on the unlock button on the car key. He pulled the door open and got into the car, the call was answered, he sat in the car and closed the door, “Have you found out the cause of death of Maria Herbert?”

“The official reason given is suicide, but I’ve found some evidence which show that it is a homicide. I’m at the prison now to find out who is the murderer.” The lab report of the substance under Maria’s fingernails was out already, it was the skin tissue of human body, there was also phenomenon of hair loss, these were enough to say that it was not simply a suicide.

Maybe she had fought with someone before she died, the skin tissue under her fingernails had perhaps gotten from the skin of the person when she scratched the person during the fighting. For the phenomenon of hair loss, it might be due to the murderer pulling her hair.

When Matthew heard of the news about her death, he knew that there was something wrong. If she wanted to die, she wouldn’t wait until now to commit suicide.

“Give me a call when there’s a result.” When Matthew just wanted to hang up the phone after telling this, Boyce stopped him, “There’s really a person behind the person that you’ve let me stalk, it’s Landon Herbert. The people stalking him had witnessed their meeting, I’ve confirmed it too, the reason he can become a police is because of the power from the Herbert family. However, the police station in City B is full of hidden power, the Herbert family doesn’t have enough power to boost him up.”


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