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Snare of Love novel Chapter 445

Matthew, who had gotten off the lift, was walking towards his car when a car drove in from the entrance and parked next to his car.

The person inside the car pushed open the door and came down, walking towards him, “Where are you going?”

Boyce asked.

In fact, Matthew was thinking of looking for him but he did not say so. Instead, he looked at him quietly, as if he was waiting for him to say something.

It was as if Matthew was waiting for him to confess, or as if Matthew was waiting for him to tell how much he had found out about Maria’s death.

Boyce did not know what was wrong with him. His heart was inexplicably weak. He did not seem to have done anything bad, right?

However, Boyce did not dare to look at him.

Boyce did not confess to him that he had accompanied Dolores to go out. Dolores looked for him, meaning that she trusted him. Without Dolores’ permission, he could not tell him.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground. There was a small stone. He stepped on it with his foot, playing it under his foot, “I come to tell you that I have found out the person who murdered Maria, but I didn’t touch her, what shall I do now?”

Matthew spoke in a light tone, “You’ve done something wrong?”

“Huh?” Boyce looked up blankly, “I... what did I do?”

He, what did he find out?

Matthew laughed lightly, “Look at you, your face is pale, I’m just kidding, why are you so agitated?”

Boyce touched his nose, “I’m not agitated, I just think that what you said is inexplicable.”

Matthew laughed but did not say anything. He walked towards the car, “Let’s go.”

“Go where?” Boyce was once again at a loss.

“You have found a clue, don’t you keep investigating?” He pressed the unlock button. The unlock light of the car flashed. He opened the door and got into the car. Boyce quickly got on to the passenger seat.

“If we arrest someone rashly, will we alert the enemy?” Boyce was worried, being able to ask the person in the jail to commit a crime was not something ordinary people could do.

Matthew looked at him, “If you don’t alert the enemy, will she come out?”

Boyce thought about it, “I’ll ask someone to get the woman out.”

“The murderer is a woman?” Matthew frowned.

Boyce nodded, “We are too open, we failed to interrogate and the person was killed.”

Boyce had done a lot of things all those years. Although he did not get promoted much, he had trained many people under him.

Matthew did not say anything. It seemed to be tacit approval.

Boyce took out his mobile phone and made a call. He instructed the person in the call and finally said, “As soon as possible. I will be there soon.”

He hung up the phone after he heard a response from another side.

He leaned back in his chair with a relaxed look, “Did you really drink too much yesterday?”

Testing him?

Matthew turned his head to look at him and gave him an ambiguous answer, “What do you think?”

Boyce was speechless.

“I almost die because of you and Dolores.” Boyce was not stupid. Matthew did not seem like he did not know anything judging from his reaction.

“That’s right, you’re just drunk, not a pig, can’t become stupid.” Boyce deliberately insinuated. He was in a difficult position.

He could not say the truth and had to suffer Matthew’s enigma.

Did he think he was a monkey and played with him?

Who had he provoked?

“As you get older, your tolerance gets lesser.” At this moment, the car stopped and Matthew got down, followed by Boyce.

They were at the back door of the jail of City B. The big iron door was high and wide. On the right side, there was a small door which was opened. Usually, the main door was not opened. They went in and went out through the small door only. Boyce walked in front to lead the way. Matthew believed in his working capability.

Boyce was familiar with the situation inside. He said to the guard at the door, “I’m here to investigate on a prisoner.”

The guard knew what Boyce’s identity was as he went there occasionally, he did not ask too many extra questions.


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