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Snare of Love novel Chapter 446

The woman looked like about fifty years old, or maybe it was because life was not as good as it should be that she appeared to be this old, with short floppy hair, not very tall, very thin, and her eyes were listless. Her eyes fluctuated only when she saw the two men came in.

Boyce was whispering to Matthew about the situation, “I’ve seen this woman’s prison profile. She killed her husband. It was marked as intentional homicide and she was sentenced to life imprisonment.”

The woman looked at them warily, “Who are you? What do you want?”

She was especially wary of Boyce because he had already come once in the morning and had interrogated all the prisoners who lived in the same cell as Maria.

It seemed that he was investigating the cause of Maria’s death.

Boyce did not waste time with her, “You killed Maria.”

The woman seemed a bit shocked, “What are you talking about? Do you have any evidence?”

Boyce laughed, “I showed you my ID when I did interrogation this morning, you know what my identity is, right?”

The woman did not say anything, as if she was acquiescing.

Boyce continued, “Of course, evidence is needed to accuse a murderer, you don’t have to ask, I will convince you. In the file that you killed your husband, there are your fingerprints and DNA. I found your DNA in Maria’s fingernails. You have scratches on the back of your neck which are obviously caused by nails. When you were questioned in the morning, you said that you scratched yourself because you felt itchy. How itchy it was until you can scratch your skin and it’s bleeding?

You lied at that time to cover up the fact that you had a confrontation with Maria. I know that you didn’t kill her on purpose, someone must have instructed you, right?”

The woman stared at Boyce for a long time. Then, she knelt down suddenly.

Boyce took a step back, “What are you doing? You shall know very well that begging me is useless, unless you say the truth. Why did you kill her? Of course, if you don’t want to say, I can still find out the truth. There were just a few people that you had close contact with. If I eliminate them one by one, I’ll find out the reason sooner or later.”

He combined hard tactics with soft.

The woman lowered her head, “I knew things would expose sooner or later. At that time, I was haunted. Officer Yates asked me to do it. He said, as long as I did it, he would commute my sentence so I could get out. You know, my husband died -- I still have a daughter who is in her first year of university this year, she is my only concern. I wish I can go out and look after her for two years...”

After saying that, she sobbed uncontrollably.

Matthew stood outside the circle of light. He could not see her expression.

Boyce was surprised that she admitted it so quickly.

She was a poor person too.

The woman wiped off her tears, “When I came in the jail, my daughter just started her first year of high school. She was a teenager at that time. My husband liked to gamble, not only did the family have no money left for her, but there was a lot of debts. All these years she has been supporting herself on her own. Sometimes, she will come to see me and give me some money, afraid that I do not live well.”

The more the woman spoke, the sadder she became and felt sorry for her daughter.

“I really want to go out and take care of my daughter so that ... I know that I was wrong and shouldn’t have made such a mistake.”

Boyce was able to guess the woman’s mind. She probably could not let go of her only daughter outside.

“It’s not easy for a girl with no dependence and any background to survive in this city. She has to pay more effort more than others to survive. If you are willing to say the truth out, I can guarantee you that I can find her a job when she graduates so that she can support herself. I mean what I say. We can have an agreement in black and white too.”

The woman looked at Boyce. His words had touched her. She did not want her daughter to go back to her hometown. All the family members knew that she killed her husband and they would gesticulate at her, saying that her mother was a murderer.

Boyce had had evidence so it was useless for her to deny the truth. She thought that Boyce was not a bad guy and she had no choice.

“I believe you, there is no need to have any agreement. I just hope that if she encounters any difficulties in the future, you can help her. Don’t let her take the wrong path.” How could she not know how difficult it was for a girl to survive in this society.

One might have done the wrong thing if she was not careful.

Of course, she believed in her daughter, but who could say about what would happen in the future.


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