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Snare of Love novel Chapter 450

It seemed that only by holding her warm body could he feel some peace of mind.

His face rubbed back and forth against her belly through the thin cloth. He could clearly feel the heat of her skin and the heartbeat of the little baby in her belly. At this moment, he was holding not one person, but two.

One was the woman he loved and the other was his child.

Was his life miserable?

His identity was kept hidden. His real mother was right in front of him and he held a grudge for over twenty years.

Twenty years was so long that he thought she was the bad woman who broke up his parents' marriage.

Yet, at this moment he was lucky. He had the woman he loved, he had lovely children, and he had a normal family.

There was everything he wanted at home, including his wife and children ...

Dolores' fingers rubbed through his hair, "What's wrong with you? Tell me. I want to share your burden. I'm your wife."

"I'm upset." He closed his eyes, his face still rubbing back and forth against her belly, "Did it hurt when you gave birth to them?"

It did hurt. It hurt her more and more when she had labour pains. To this day she could still remember the excruciating pain she felt at that time.

But those were all in the past.

"That's why you're in a bad mood, huh?" Dolores lifted his chin and looked down at him by the faint light, "Then you should be nicer to me in the future?"

"Haven't I been good enough to you? I'm close to giving you my life." His hand slid down ...

Dolores frowned and slapped his hand.

Matthew laughed lightly, "You go down for dinner. I'm going out later."

"Aren't you having dinner?" She asked.

"I'll eat out."

Dolores still felt that he hid something from her. When she didn't move, Matthew stood up, "Do you want me to carry you down?"

"No, I'll go down then." Victoria and the kids were downstairs. They would be worried if she stayed upstairs too long.

Matthew pinched her nose, "Go on."

Dolores walked slowly down. Matthew sat alone for a while. When it was almost eight o'clock, he got up to change his clothes. As he was undressing, the sound of the piano came from downstairs, and it was the famous song ‘Dream Wedding’.

It was his first time hearing Dolores play the piano and he was lost in it.

The sound of the piano was melodious, and there was an evocative rhythm. All the best times, the brightest days, and the old days slowly emerged ...

He walked downstairs in his black suit. Two kids sat on either side of Dolores. Although they didn't necessarily understand the mood of this song, they were absorbed in it.

As the tune rose and fell, they gently shook their heads, completely unaware of the man standing at the stairway.

Victoria sat on the couch, her eyes blurred with tears.

She had heard this song before. Jolene had played it in the past.

She looked at Dolores and was in a trance for a moment as if she had gone back to many years ago ...

When the song was over, Dolores' fingers stopped moving. It was like she was in a mood. It was the applause of her two kids and Victoria that brought her back to her senses.

"I haven't touched the piano in a long time. My fingers are stiff."

Victoria wiped the corners of her eyes, smiled, and said, "It's good. Your playing is so great. I'm obsessed."

"Yeah, it's so good. Mommy's so good." Simona flung herself into Dolores' arms.

Samuel had been studying the music book for a while and said seriously to Dolores, "Mommy, teach me how to play."

Dolores said yes. She reached out and touched her son's head. At that moment, she saw Matthew standing on the stairs and asked, "Are you going out now?"


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