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Snare of Love novel Chapter 451

Matthew, who had been silent all the time finally chimed in.

Jeffery turned to ask him, “What do you mean?”

With an expressionless look, Matthew said indifferently, “I just wanna know.”

“By the way, I’m afraid I need to go to the Chambers family again today. It was me who suggested Chloe marry you. I haven’t told Eddie about this decision yet. I’m afraid he would be quite unhappy.”

Eddie helped him and was willing to let her daughter marry Matthew, but Jeffery didn’t think he had kept his promise to Eddie. He felt quite ashamed.

“Do you mean it was Eddie Chambers who came up with this idea?” Although Matthew was asking, he had already got an answer inwardly.

“Yes, it was. I want to separate you and Dolores Flores eagerly. He came up with this idea and told me. Eddie said Sampson Herbert went into jail because of Dolores Flores, so the Herbert family hated her. They’re willing to help me,” said Jeffery honestly.

Upon hearing the answer, Matthew didn’t feel surprised at all. “I guess he hadn’t told you a lot of things yet.”

“What kind of things?” Jeffery raised his tone a bit.

He trusted Eddie very much. Suddenly, he was told that Eddie had been hiding something from him, so he couldn’t help raising his voice.

“A few days ago, some people wanted to take Dolores away determinedly. They took a lot of people and broke into the hospital...”

“For real?” Soon, Jeffery understood. “Did you mean it was Eddie?”

“He didn’t do it himself. He used the Herbert family. Their daughter died in jail, and Eddie manipulated it. I’ve looked into the matter already. Without any evidence, I wouldn’t tell you.” Matthew just wanted Jeffery to know that Eddie offered his daughter, not because of Jeffery. Probably Eddie had his own purposes.

Matthew couldn’t figure out Eddie’s purposes, as according to his relationship with Jeffery, he didn’t need to maintain it through his daughter’s marriage for convenience.

Why would Eddie be so eager to let his daughter marry him?

What did he want?

What was his purpose?

Eddied tried his best effort to achieve this goal, even spending more effort than Jeffery did.

“Probably because I was sick and he was afraid that I might go back on my word, so he had done it behind my back.” Jeffery was also confused, wondering why Eddie would have to do so.

Since they were so close, Eddie should have discussed it with him before taking the action.

“You can test him whether he had hidden it from you on purpose.” Matthew picked up the file from the desk, but he didn’t pull out the documents to read.

Matthew knew Jeffery more or less -- since Jeffery had decided to let go of Dolores, he wouldn’t do anything to her in the future.

Matthew stood up. “I don’t like Eddie Chambers very much.”

He couldn’t figure out this man’s purpose, so he would be a disaster in the future.

Jeffery frowned. “What do you mean?”

“I’ve gotta go now.” Matthew had reminded Jeffery, so he didn’t want to continue the conversation.

He stepped down the stairs, walked out of the pavilion, and bypassed the spring. Under the hibiscus trees, Jeffrey watched his receding figure.

He heaved a sigh. Finally, they were still distant from each other.

He was afraid that Matthew and he couldn’t go back to where they used to be.

“I also want to let go, but I can’t.”

If he needed to pull out the rooted and sprouted obsession, he must die first.

Jeffrey left Hibiscus Garden, heading to the Chambers’ directly.

Chloe felt so bored at home. She couldn’t bear staying home all the time.

“Dad, I’m leading a life of a jailbird now! When can I go out?” Chloe complained.

Right then, there were knocks on the door. Mrs. Chambers went to answer it.

Chloe continued, “I can’t bear it! I must go out! If this goes on, I’ll go nuts!”


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