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Snare of Love novel Chapter 456

Dolores turned to look at Victoria. “I’m quite selfish. I don’t want him to know this matter because I’m afraid he would know how to face it. After all, he has always been disliking you.”

Victoria held her hand, feeling slightly bitter. “It’s been such a long time. I’ve decided to let go of it. Really. I’m so satisfied to lead such a life now.

“Not to mention the Harris family, Matthew is a celebrity. His news is always on the finance channel. The news of his family background must raise an uproar. After all, at that time, Jolene and Jayden were still married, so Matthew would only be considered as an illegitimate child. I don’t want to see that end, and neither do I want him to fight against Jeffery Harris. After all, the negative news will not only harm his public image but also the company's reputation. I just wish him...”

Victoria patted Dolores on the back of her hand. “He could be with you peacefully, leading an ordinary life.”

She stared at Dolores seriously. “I don’t want to him know anything about it at all. I don’t want things that happened among our elders would drag you into the mere. The beauty and peace of life are all around the ordinary days, just like what’s going on now -- I can shop with my grandchildren, take them to the amusement park. After summer ends, I can send them the elementary school, watch them grow up, and I get old gradually. It’s also my happiness.”

She had missed her son, but taking care of her grandchildren could be compensation for her.

Dolores pressed her lips, tears welling up in her eyes subconsciously.

Right then, the minivan stopped.

It wasn’t an intersection in front. Dolores asked the driver, “What’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” The driver didn’t know it either.

Knock... Knock...

A bodyguard got off from the car in front and knocked on the car window. Dolores pressed the window down.

“A trailer broke down when turning around in front, so now it had blocked the way. We can’t get through now. Shall we change the route?”

“Have you asked when it would be repaired?” Victoria asked. If it would take quite long, they could reroute. If it would only take less than twenty minutes, they could wait. After all, they were not far away from either the shopping mall or the amusement park now.

“Okay. I’ll go check with them.” The bodyguard rush over to ask the trailer driver who was repairing the vehicle.

Another car approached, blocking their way back. Even if the trailer could be repaired, the Nelson family’s cars couldn’t get out either.

Right then, there was another knock on the door. Dolores thought it was the bodyguard who just went to inquire about the situation, so she pressed down the window. Meanwhile, there was a fight behind their car. One party was their bodyguards, and the other party was quite a lot of people who wanted to come in front. The bodyguards stopped them as those people didn’t look kind.

They both were in a fight.

Seeing the scene, Dolores sensed something wrong. When she was about to press up the window, the man who knocked at the door quickly pulled her arm and dragged it out of the window. She couldn’t press up the window anymore.

“Are you Dolores Flores? Come with us.” The man wasn’t tall with tanned skin. When he spoke, he looked ferocious.

Victoria pulled Dolores back, afraid that she would be dragged out. She snapped, “Who are you?”

“Relax. We just want Ms. Flores to go with us.”

Those people were quite familiar with their security formation. All four bodyguards were pestered by them. The driver was skilled in Kungfu as well, but he didn’t take an action recklessly. He was waiting for a good chance. Coral couldn’t fight, so she could only be in a panic.

The man who was dragging Dolores was quite arrogant. “Be obedient. Or you can’t blame me to make you suffer more.”

Victoria was panicked. Those people seemed to target Dolores. She opened the door and was about to rush to the other side to pull the man away from Dolores. Meanwhile, two men rushed out from the greenbelt on the roadside. They grabbed her and pulled her to the minivan parked on the roadside opposite.

Taking the chance, the driver threw a punch in the face of the man who was dragging Dolores. The man was hit off-guard. He didn’t expect that the driver could fight as well. The next second, the driver kicked the man away.


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