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Snare of Love novel Chapter 457

While speaking, the man’s dagger was pressed further on Dolores’s neck. A cut with blood appeared instantly.

The four bodyguards froze and dared not to move again.

Victoria was so panicked. Pulling the man, she begged, “Please! Don’t hurt her!”

The man could tell that Victoria cared about Dolores a lot. He gazed at her fiercely. “I can let go of her. As you get in the car, I can consider letting her go.”

“Okay. Okay. I promise you. But you must promise me that you won’t hurt her...”

The man went impatient. He snapped, “Shut the fuck up! If you want to save her, get in!”

“No!” Dolores begged Victoria in a hoarse tone, shaking her head. As long as Victoria stayed with her, they still had a ray of hope. If she got it, she wouldn’t be able to escape.

Ignoring her, Victoria bent over and sat in the minivan. There was a driver in there. He looked back at her. Without speaking, he started the engine.

The man looked at the four tall and strong men nearby him and sneered. “No matter how strong your fighting capabilities are, it’s useless. You have the weakness, and you are destined to fail.”

The four bodyguards’ faces were tightened. They clenched their fists, but they dared not to take any action despite Dolores.

The man took Dolores into the minivan.

Dolores struggled, but he threatened her with the knife fiercely. “If you don’t want to die, just behave yourself!”

“Didn’t you promise me you’ll let go of her as long as I go with you?” Victoria was sitting in front of the door to block it, avoiding the man from taking Dolores in.

“If you dared to stop me again, I’ll kill her now. Believe it or not! I kidnapped her just because I don’t want those bothering bugs to pester me. When we arrive somewhere safe, I’ll let her go. Our target is you.”

In face of the threat, since it was about Dolores’s safety, Victoria had to compromise again.

Besides, the man said that she was the target, so she didn’t think they would hurt Dolores.

The man dragged Dolores to sit in the car. The narrow space made them uneasier. Dolores’s nerve was too tensed that she even couldn’t feel the pain in her neck.

The minivan rushed out.

“You two, stay and make calls. Protect the kids. We’ll chase them.” One of the bodyguards calmly and quickly made the arrangement. Then he and another bodyguard hijacked another onlooker’s car, chasing the minivan.

The driver of the minivan found the car that was following them, so he sped up more and more, stepping on the gas with all his strength.

He was too afraid that the car behind them would catch up with them, so he focused on the back and ignored the front. The minivan ran into the reverse lane. The driver didn’t pay attention to it until he heard the truck’s honks.

However, the truck was way too close to the minivan at that moment.

By instinct, the driver tried to change the direction. The minivan rushed into the greenbelt on the roadside. The truck from the opposite couldn’t break on time. It rushed into the back of the minivan, which was exactly the side where the man who kidnapped Dolores was. The man instantly fainted. In a panic, Dolores pulled away from his hand on her neck.

The minivan ran fast. With the push from the truck, the minivan ran through the short fence. With a loud bang, it didn’t stop until it had hit the pillar of the billboard.

The hollow pillar couldn’t bear such a huge impact of the minivan. It cracked. The billboard with triangular support originally lost one of its supporting power and would fall at any time.

The man who kidnapped Dolores should receive the hit on his head, so he instantly fainted. Blood flew along with his head, staining his whole face. The minivan was damaged seriously. The driver in front had already stopped breathing.

Dolores was troubled in between, couldn’t move her legs at all.

“Mom, are you all right?” she asked in a weak tone.

She didn’t know where Victoria had been injured as she looked pale. Victoria returned to her senses dizzily. Seeing that it was Dolores who called her, she tried hard to open her eyes. “I’m all right. How about you?”

“I can’t move my legs.”


They heard some noise. Victoria looked up and found the billboard was about to fall. If it smashed on them, they would die for sure.

She plucked up her last strength, pedaled the front seat, and pressed Dolores down on the back seat, protecting Dolores between her and the seat.



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