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Snare of Love novel Chapter 466

Marina didn’t expect Dolores to come to visit. She continued to be friendly to Dolores considering Dolores’ relationship with Matthew.

“You came alone?” asked Marina.

“Yes,” Dolores replied softly.

“Who came…” Jeffrey asked while he walked out of the study room. Then, he stopped when he saw Dolores.

Jeffrey looked worried. He didn’t expect Dolores to come to visit either. Matthew looked behind Dolores, and he was a little disappointed when he didn’t see Matthew.

“What do you come here for?” Jeffrey asked in an indifferent tone.

Dolores stood still and stared at Jeffrey.

Jeffrey was related to Dolores in so many ways. She should be feeling happy and nervous when she found out about their relationship.

However, Dolores only felt sorrow.

Jeffrey became nervous after being stared at for too long. He looked away and asked Dolores, “Why do you looking at me like that?”

Dolores continued staring at Jeffrey. She spoke slowly and softly, “Can I talk to you for a second?”

Jeffrey looked sulky, “Did he asked you to come here?”

Jeffrey thought Matthew asked Dolores to be the middleman to reconcile their relationship.

Jeffrey was happy at first.

“No, he didn’t know I’m here.”

Jeffrey frowned and looked unhappy, “I’m nothing to say to you then.”

“Are we enemy now? Can’t we just talk?” Dolores was initially calm, but she was triggered after hearing what Jeffrey said. It wasn’t Jeffrey’s words that hurt her. It was the complicated relationship between them that made Dolores weak and exhausted.

Jeffrey pouted and remained silent.

Marina smiled and tried to mediate between Dolores and Jeffrey. She pulled Jeffrey’s sleeves, “She’s not an outsider. She might have something important to talk to you about. Don’t look at her as an enemy.”

Jeffrey looked less sulky after hearing what Marina said. Marina led Jeffrey into the study room, then she turned around and looked at Dolores, “You should come in too.”

Marina put Jeffrey in his chair and lowered her voice, “Think about Matthew. Do you really want to dissociate your sister’s only child? I know you didn’t want to. So, keep your long face away. If there’s a fallout, you’re the one who’s going to be unhappy.”

Marina knew her husband well. So, what she said were meant to hit his soft spots. Jeffrey finally calmed down. He looked at Marina and said, “Please leave us alone.”

Jeffrey was curious why Dolores came to him today as well.

Marina patted Jeffrey’s shoulder, then she smiled at Dolores, “Do you want anything to drink?”

Dolores shook her head, “I’m fine.”

“Then, sit,” Marina got a chair for Dolores.

Dolores thanked Marina and sat down. A long tea table laid between Dolores and Jeffrey. Marina walked out of the study and closed the door.

“Now, why did you come here today?” Jeffrey made the first move.

Dolores pouted, then looked at Jeffrey earnestly, “We’re not enemy. Not now. Not ever.”

Jeffrey was stunned when his eyes met with Dolores’. He felt restless.

“Today, I came here for an answer. I hope you’d tell me the truth,” Dolores looked nervous, scared and curious.

Dolores was afraid that Jeffrey was related to Victoria’s death.

But Dolores had to face the truth regardless it was a good one or a bad one.

Dolores had no choice. Her voice was shaking, “Did you kill Victoria?”

Jeffrey looked at Dolores in silence. He squinted his eyes, “This is what you want to ask?”

Dolores nodded and replied in an affirmed tone, “Yes.”

After a while, Jeffrey said, “Yes.”


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