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Snare of Love novel Chapter 467

One of the cars was Boyce's and the other was Matthew's.

Dolores looked into the villa, they were back.

She slowly looked down and stood for a moment before bringing her bag to walk inside... Afraid that the bodyguard would blurt it out, she turned her head and glanced at him, “You didn't forget what you should say, right?”

“Today, you went to the clothing store.” the bodyguard answered.

Dolores nodded in satisfaction, she then walked inside.

Coral was busy preparing dinner in the kitchen, the two children weren't in the living room, they should be playing in the room... Dolores changed her shoes and walked straight upstairs, took the document folder out from her bag, put it on the lowest part of the drawer, put her bag back, and went to wash her hand in the bathroom... Her face looked so pale in the mirror, seemed like she was not in a good mental state, to make her complexion look better, she repeatedly splashed warm water on her face, then her face turned rosy.

She wiped her face and went downstairs, the light in the study room was still on, they should be inside... She walked into the kitchen, stood in front of the coffee machine, poured coffee beans into the automatic grinding coffee pot, and asked like she was uninterested, “When did they come home?”

“Just now.” Coral answered.

“Why did you come home from the clothing store so late?” Coral glanced at her belly, “You just got better, pay attention to your health.”

Dolores told Coral that she was going to clothing store when she left.

That was why Coral asked like that.

She smiled and said, “I get it, I'll pay attention next time.”

She slightly tiptoed, opened the cupboard, took out coffee cups and tray.

Coral glanced and said, “I'll go and bring it for them, you just rest.”

Dolores smiled and said, “No need, I'll go.”

She put the boiled coffee into the fine coffee cups, then put them on the tray, and brought it to the study room.

When she arrived at the study room, she used one hand to hold the tray and the other hand was going to knock the door, when her hand was about to land on the door, she heard Armand's voice from the inside.

“Jolene is really selfish, why did she do it if she wasn't willing to marry at the first place? She wants her family to be well off, wants to be with the one she likes, and finds a woman for her husband, only weird family with the surname Harris would have such a member.”

Separated by the door, Dolores could still hear the resentment and hate from Armand's words.

“Also, your father... Why didn't he say it earlier and just had to...”

Armand wanted to say more but Boyce held him back, shaking his head towards Armand.

Armand felt dejected, “The matter this time must be related to Jeffery, by the time the investigator caught the person and found that Jeffery was the mastermind, it would be avenge of both the old and new matters!”

Even if some of the offenders were dead or escaped, but people who had lived in City B, they could find one or two of their backgrounds... Furthermore, they had great connections in City B, it was just a matter of time if they wanted to investigate someone.

They didn't go out all day for nothing, they got a clue of the man who kidnapped Dolores and died in a car accident, whose younger cousin was involved in this matter but already escaped to his hometown, they already sent people to find him.

They were still investigating other clues.


Suddenly, there were sounds of something crashing outside the door, Armand and Boyce looked towards the door, even Matthew who had been standing still in front of the French window also slowly turned around.

Boyce walked over to open the door, Dolores was squatting and picking up coffee cups fragments, just now her eyes blanked out and her head was so dizzy, she couldn't hold the tray firmly so it fell to the floor... Coffee splattered every where, even her skirt was stained with black spots.

Dolores lowered her head, “Coral said that you're here, I want to make some drinks for you but I accidentally ruined it all.”

She was in a rush while picking the fragments up, her finger accidentally scratched the sharp fragment which left a cut on her finger pulp and made her bleed.

Boyce was close to her, he saw her injury and wanted to help her, Matthew walked over at that time, Boyce grabbed her hand and supported her by his shoulders first, her wound was still bleeding.

Dolores looked up at him, “I'm becoming more and more useless, I can't do anything well.”

Matthew looked down at her finger, his eyelashes slightly trembled as he coldly said, “Coral, go and take the medicine box.”

Coral was holding the mop and trash bin because she was planning to sweep the floor, hearing Matthew's words, she put everything on the floor and looked for the medicine box.

Dolores turned her head and looked at Coral, “I'm fine, you don't need to take the medicine box.”

Taking a medicine box was really unnecessary for a small wound.


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