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Snare of Love novel Chapter 469

This time Boyce did not answer her immediately but looked at her fixedly.

He felt as if she was deliberately prying into this matter.

But she obviously knew, so why did she pry?

Not hearing Boyce's voice, Dolores slowly looked up and saw him looking at her with inquisitive eyes. Her heart stuttered for a moment and she forced herself to calm down, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Nothing." Boyce shook his head, feeling that something wasn't right. But when he thought about it, it didn't seem out of place. She must be concerned about the progress of this matter, so she wanted to know so much. After all, Victoria had died to save her life, so it was right for her to be concerned.

He shook his head honestly, "Jayden didn't say Jolene had a baby."

Jayden knew about Jolene having a child. At the time Victoria was just recovering mentally, so he didn't talk to Victoria about it. But he knew that Jolene had a child, and knew that the child was Dolores. He just didn't say so.

After all, Dolores was married to Matthew and had two children. How could he bear to tell them?

That was a grudge from a previous generation, and he didn't want to involve people of this generation.

He could see that Matthew and Dolores had a good relationship, which was why he deliberately hid it.

He wanted them to stay together for the rest of their lives.

Boyce looked at her and asked, "Jolene has a child?"

Dolores paused as she scooped up the soup, then quickly recovered her natural state and shook her head, "No, I was just asking."

Boyce nodded without suspicion.

After dinner, Boyce and Armand went back to the house while Dolores went to give the kids a bath. Coral called out to her, "I'll finish the dishes later, and I'll wash them. There's water in the bathroom, in case you slip and fall."

"It's okay ..."

"I'll wash them." Matthew came out of the study and interrupted Dolores. He picked up his daughter and went to the bathroom.

Watching them walk into the house, Samuel came over and tugged on Dolores' coat, "Mommy, be nice to Daddy."

She looked down at her son and frowned.

Was she not being nice to him?

"Although I feel that Daddy didn't like Grandma before, I see that Daddy is sad when Grandma is gone." Samuel could also feel that Matthew was depressed.

Dolores clasped her son's head in her arms and hugged him, then whispered, "I'll be nice to him."

How she wanted to smooth out all the wounds in his heart! But the broken porcelain, no matter how much you mended it, there would be cracks, and it would never recover its initial appearance.

Samuel reached out and touched her belly. Her belly was slightly bulging. He began to look forward to having a sister or brother.

He already had a sister and wished even more that he could have a brother to play with.

"This one must be a brother," Samuel said with conviction.

Dolores raised an eyebrow, "How do you know?"

Now she was afraid that the ultrasound could not find out whether it was a boy or a girl. At least three months later, it would be possible to check the gender.

Where did he get the confidence?

"I feel it. I just feel like he's a brother."


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