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Snare of Love novel Chapter 468

Dolores leaned over and saw the words on the paper. Samuel and Simona's last name was changed to Nelson, now their names are Andrew Nelson and Amanda Nelson.

She turned her head slightly to look at him. His eyelashes were long and thick, and his delicate, well-defined face was warm.

Matthew bent his head and gently kissed her cheek, then said in a low voice, "Is this good? With me and with you."

Dolores agreed and said, "Yes."

A crystal lamp hung from the ceiling. The yellowish light created a quiet and warm atmosphere.

The two said nothing and just snuggled up to each other. It was Dolores who broke the silence first, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

"What?" He lowered his eyes.

Dolores tilted her head, rubbed the tip of her nose against his chin, and pouted, "I want you to stay with me. I'm too aggravated to be married to you and have been giving birth to you. We haven't held hands and gone shopping together, nor have we gone on a trip together, nor have we gone to the movies together. I think about it and feel that I have lived a life of too much loss."

He had a rare smile on his face and said softly, "You're still not satisfied with me?"

"If you don't have time, I'll go find a handsome man to accompany me. Hiss ..."

Before she could finish her words, Matthew bit her shoulder. He bit hard and gnawed the bones in her shoulder with his teeth. He warned as if in punishment, "Try to find one?"

Dolores frowned in pain. She knew without looking that there must be deep teeth marks on her shoulder. She hooked her arm around his neck, "How much do you hate me? Are you going to bite me to death?"

He didn't leave, but said sullenly, "Don't worry, you won't die in front of me. If you want to die, I will die first. I will explore the road first, and then drag you with me. Otherwise, I'll be alone in hell."

Dolores was speechless.

She frowned, "So ruthless?"

Matthew tightly circled her slender, soft body, "Of course. You're my wife, even if you're dead."

Dolores was speechless once again.

Knock, knock...

At that moment, there was a knock on the door of the study.

It was Coral's voice, "Dinner's ready."

Dolores looked up at him and said, "I'm hungry."

Matthew stood up with her by the waist, "Let’s go."

She smiled and walked out of the study with him on her arm. Simona was playing with Armand in the living room. She didn’t know what Armand said, but the little girl was chasing him all over the house.

Boyce slouched on the couch with his arms stretched out. Looking at Armand, who was being chased, he snickered, "Can you run away?"

Armand took the time to look at him, "It’s none of your business."

Samuel sat on the sofa and sighed slightly, thinking how Mr. Bernie was like a child and so naughty.

Boyce rubbed his hair, "You're so young, yet you love to sigh so much. Aren't you afraid of becoming bald?"

Samuel looked up at him, "I won't be worse off than you. You don't have to worry about me."

Boyce was speechless.

How was he, how was he worse off?

"Where am I worse off?" Boyce sat upright.

"When I'm as old as you are, I'm sure I'll have a wife. Even if I become bald, so what? It's better than not being able to find a wife, right?"

Boyce was speechless again.

Who did he piss off? He deserved to die because he didn't have a wife?

Why were they all making fun of him for this?

Why did he live so tired?


When she saw Matthew coming out of the study, Simona jumped into his arms and started complaining, "Daddy, Armand is bullying me."

Dolores glanced at her daughter and shook her head helplessly. Simona loved to pout and complain to Matthew. She didn't know if all daughters were more clingy to their dads. She walked to the kitchen to help Coral serve the food and prepare the dishes.

Matthew wrapped one arm around his daughter, used his other hand to tuck her loose hair behind her ear, and asked softly, "What's he doing to you?"

Simona blinked her big eyes, "Armand just asked me if I was smart."

"Well, then what?" He walked over to the table with his daughter in his arms and pulled out a chair to sit down.

Simona looked down and did not want to say anything as she played with her fingers.

Samuel came over and climbed into the chair and repeated what Armand had said to Simona, "Simona, are you smart?"

Simona smiled and said proudly, "Of course."

"Then let me ask you a question. If you can answer my question, you're smart."

"Sure." Simona was confident, and then Armand asked, "I'm going to ask you a question, and all you have to do is answer yes and no."



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