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Snare of Love novel Chapter 475

The phone was not hung up but no one spoke.

Seemingly separated by distance, they spoke to each other silently about their hard feelings.

Dolores could not stand it any longer and ruthlessly hung up the call. She clutched the phone tightly and pressed it against her heart. She desperately restrained herself but was unable to suppress her sob. Her sob was more and more suffering.

The two children who had fallen asleep seemed to be disturbed by Dolores. They opened their eyes in a daze and saw Dolores crying. Simona rubbed her eyes and reached out her hand to help her to wipe her tears away, “Mum, are you crying?”

Looking at her daughter, she wiped her tears away and tugged her dry lips, “There’s sand in my eyes. I’m not crying.”

The little girl blinked, where did the sand come from in the car? There was not even a breeze, even if there was, how could it get into her eyes?

“Simona will help mummy to rub.” She reached out her little fleshy hands and gently rubbed her eyes.

On the other hand, Samuel was mature. He seemed to know why his mother was crying but he did not comfort her.

He just looked out of the window alone and sighed.

At night, the car arrived in city C. Dolores paid and got down the car. She took the two children to stay at the hotel. Although it was very late, the hotel still offered food. Dolores called the receptionist and asked for some food. She did not have much appetite, but for the sake of the child in her uterus, she had to eat. The two children were also hungry.

Since she did not bring anything with her and it was night time, she washed up the children and asked them to sleep after eating.

The two children were tired from the car ride and comfortable from the bath, so they soon fell asleep in her arms. However, she did not feel like sleeping.

Through the thin curtain, she could see the city light. It was twinkling, like a bustling urban scene.

The uncertainty of being new to the city and the longing for that person made it a sleepless night for her. She had a lot of thoughts that could not be calmed in her mind.

In the same way, in that villa in another city, the lights were not on in the master bedroom on the first floor. The house was dimly lit. Vaguely, a figure standing in front of the window could be seen. The air around him was cold. He was the only one left in the world. He was lonely.

Suddenly, there was light. It was because he tapped on his phone screen. He lowered his eyes to read the text message sent by Dolores. His gaze fixed on the sentence ‘Even though I had just left, I already missed you like crazy. Mathew, I love you. I love you very much.’

The thick eyelashes went against the light, a dim light shadow was refracted. It was vaguely visible that the eyes were covered with water.

He tried to stop the hoarse voice that could not be controlled, “I miss you too, I miss you so much that I am going crazy.”

The night was a long one. Although they were not in the same city, they had the same state of mind. It was like an invisible entanglement.

It was dawn but Dolores had already woken up. She washed her face, brushed her teeth and dressed herself. The two children were still sleeping. She went to the reception of the hotel to enquire about JK Group.

The receptionist was wearing a black suit, with a tag pinned to her right breast. Her long chestnut hair was cleanly pulled back behind her head. Hearing Dolores’ enquiry about JK Group, she looked at her, “Who are you?”

Everyone in this city knew about JK Group. It was very big and had done a lot of charity work. It had a very good reputation in the local area.

Dolores smiled, “I’m from another place. One of my relatives works there but I don’t know how to find it, so I ask you.”

The receptionist looked Dolores up and down. She still had the same dress inside, but she had added a jacket outside, which did not quite match and looked a bit helter-skelter.

Her long hair was tied in a ponytail at the back of her head. Her plain cheeks looked innocent. However, she stayed in last night with two children. She knew that she was not a virgin. Now she went to her relative for shelter. She should have faced some difficulties.

“When you take a taxi, you just tell the driver that you want to go to JK Group. The driver can bring you there straight. Are the two kids yesterday your children?” The receptionist could not hold her curiosity and asked. It was because she looked young but the two children did not look young.

Dolores nodded, “Yes, they are my children.”

“Oh, they are pretty looking, you look young too, I can’t believe that you have such big kids.” The receptionist said with a smile.

Dolores smiled at her too. After saying thank you, she said, “Please ask someone to send breakfast to my room.”


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