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Snare of Love novel Chapter 476

Dolores felt that she had to tell them clearly about the matter of their family names being changed.

She had pondered for a while in her heart about how to tell them.

Then, she spoke softly to her children, “Our country had been in this world for five thousand years. It can be considered as a place with a long history and there was a tradition in our country since ancient times that the children will get the same surname as their father. I haven’t told you about the fact that your father and I have changed your surname.”

Simona raised her head and looked at her. She was chewing the food in her mouth slowly. After swallowing the food, she said, “Is this the thing that you want to tell us?”

Dolores nodded. She seemed that he looked like he had known it so she tried to ask him, “You knew it?”

It seemed that nobody knew about it, right?

How did he know about it?

Simona used a pair of chopsticks to take some more steamed cake and then put it into her mouth to chew it, “I don’t know about it but I know that our surname will be changed one day. Before you told us about it, I have found out that all other people around us use the same surname as their father. However, my sister and I are special in this. However, we have become the same as other people now and no one would think that daddy was married into mum’s family.”

Dolores was speechless.

How did he know so much about it? He even knew about a man being married into a woman’s family?

Simona was busy eating and didn’t have time to join the conversation. When she heard her brother’s words, she blinked curiously and asked, “What does ‘a man being married into a woman’s family’ mean?”

Simona almost did not think about it and answered seriously, “The normal situation for it is that a woman marries a man. For example, mummy had to marry daddy and this was considered a normal situation. For matrilocal residence, it means that a man marries a woman. For example, mummy married to daddy and then daddy will be the matrilocal residence who married into and lived with the bride’s family.”

Simona was still in a puzzle. What did it mean? Who married who? She shook her head and did not want to bother about the complicated fact. She just asked, “Does it mean that our surname is not Flores now anymore?”

“That’s right.” Samuel lifted his chin to indicate to her to ask Dolores about it, “You can ask mummy.”

Dolores stared at her son with a hilarious facial expression. Where did he get all those information?

“Mummy, so we are now using the same surname as daddy’s, right?” There was still food in the little girl’s mouth so she was speaking in a blurred voice.

Dolores stroked her daughter’s head and spoke seriously, “Yes, your surname is Nelson now and both of your names have changed slightly. For now, your name is Simona Nelson and your brother’s name is Samuel Nelson. If you all are going to introduce yourself to others in the future, you have to use this name, is it okay?”

“But you still call us by our previous names, even you haven’t changed it.” The little girl asked a reasonable question.

Dolores sighed. Her daughter had really changed. She used to be very ignorant, did not know anything and just liked to eat delicate food in the past. However, she could even speak well now.

Although she was still a bit blurred for some time, she had become much more talkative than before.

She took a glance at her son. Was the saying ‘people will be affected by the person around them’ true? Since she always stayed with him, so that was the reason that she had become like him?

“I have used these names to call you guys for five years so I couldn’t just change it for now. However, I will try my best to get used to your new names as soon as possible.” She spoke to her daughter solemnly.

The little girl took the glass of milk and took a few sips of it to wash the food in her mouth down to her stomach, “Then what will you call me from now on? Amanda? Or Amy?” She blinked and commented thoughtfully,“It seems that both these names are not as nice as the previous name.”

“Eat faster, you will find it nice after hearing more times of it. There are still people who were called by nicknames, people also get used to the name after hearing more of it.”

The little girl nearly spurted out the milk that was in her mouth. Then, her eyes were opened incredulously and stared at Dolores, “How can these parents be so irresponsible and give such names to their children?”

“No one will not love their children. The old people are thinking in old ways and they feel that it will be easier for them to call their children if their children’s names are simple.” Dolores explained to her daughter patiently as she wanted to let her daughter know that none of the parents in this world didn't love their children and the only difference was of it would be the way of them expressing their love.

After having breakfast, Dolores brought her two children to leave there. Since they didn’t have any luggage, they did not need to pack anything. When she came there, she only took a jacket and put it on casually. Since she had to bring the two children with her, she also took a handbag with money and credit cards inside it because no matter where they went they could not go without money. The last thing she brought was the document that Jolene left for her.


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