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Snare of Love novel Chapter 480

The car engine sounded outside at this time. Boyce walked out of the factory and saw a black car stopped by the cement roadside. He saw Armand through the front windshield, who sat in the driver's seat. Soon Matthew opened the rear door and got out of the car.

He was in a black suit meticulously. He held his back straight and looked neat. His face was impassive, and he did not have any changes in his expression, and he was quiet as if a bottomless puddle.

Boyce was about to get used to his indifferent expression. Since Dolores left City B, Matthew talked much lesser, and he mostly stayed in the company. He would only come out of the company for the matter of Jeffery.

Boyce and Armand were better than Abbott, who was being in deep water. Matthew spent most of the time at work in one month, and he had acquired two big corporations in the country. Boyce did not know whether Matthew could not be idle around or the company needed development.

An eerie and tense working atmosphere spread throughout the employees of the WY Group. When Boyce saw Abbott last time, Abbott had complained to him that Matthew must be crazy. He said that Matthew had a meeting that started from nine o'clock in the morning to three o'clock in the evening and was six hours long in total. Matthew did not release people at lunchtime, and nobody was allowed to enter the conference room. During the meeting, they had finished the water on the table. Nobody dared to move, and those who wanted to go to the bathroom had to put up with it. There were up hundreds of company executives participating in the meeting. Each of them wore a bitter face, but they had to sit upright. They were always tensed and did not say boo to a goose.

If someone did not get the work done that Matthew issued or did not meet his requirements, he would give a good scolding to someone's face without saving face in front of everyone.

Matthew acquired two big corporations in only a month, and the workload involved was mind-boggling.

Matthew also wore an indifferent face when staying with Boyce and Armand, but they were not being 'abused' by him, at least.

Boyce was grateful about it, and he walked over to them, said in a low voice, "He is a green and inexperienced boy. I think he knows only a few things about the kidnap matter.”

Matthew had a frosty face, “Did he confess?”

“He hasn't said yet. I wanted to wait for you to come,” Boyce lowered his head and touched his nose. He unaccountably did not dare to look at Matthew. Matthew glanced at Boyce and walked into the factory.

Armand, who followed behind Matthew, walked over to Boyce. Boyce stopped him and whispered, “Do you think we should look for Dolores privately?”

It was a rough time for them to get along with Matthew since his moods were very changeable.

Armand looked at Boyce and hesitated for a moment, “Will Matthew be angry when he finds out?”

Since Matthew did not look for Dolores himself, they were afraid that Matthew would be angry if they intervened in this matter.

“We do it privately, and don't let him know,” Boyce looked at Armand like a fool. It must mean not to let Matthew know about it since he said they would do it privately and secretly.

“Okay, let's find a place to discuss it in detail after this,” Armand sighed and said with a smile, “Finally, someone is worse off than me.”

Boyce looked at him speechlessly.

Armand smiled brighter, “Somehow, I feel fair now. You don't know how painful I am forcing a smile when Theresa is not around this period, but Matthew knows my feeling now,” Armand pointed to Matthew, who had already walked into the factory, and leaned over Boyce, “Matthew is worse off than me. His wife and children left him behind.”

Matthew could not be in a good mood since he was alone.

Boyce sneered at Armand, “How do I feel you are gloating over him?”

Armand became serious immediately, “What nonsense you talk. I'm not gloating over him. I think I'm just a little gloating. Now he feels the pain of my suffering.”

Boyce was speechless.

“Have you two finished?” Matthew's voice was as cold and fierce as the wind in December.


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