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Snare of Love novel Chapter 481

Boyce explained clearly and then gave his subordinate a wink.

The boy shivered in fear and tried to plead for mercy, but he could not utter any words for a long time. His body went limp as if his bones and blood were separated.

“I really said all the truth.” The boy exclaimed and cried out in fear, weeping miserably.

Armand sighed and said seriously, “If you’re born as a human, then you have to do what a human should do. All the best for you.”

After finished speaking, he hooked Boyce’s neck with his hand and walked out. He asked softly, “Won’t you…”

He gestured a posture of stroking his neck.

Boyce gave him a stern glimpse, “What are you thinking? Just teach him a lesson and throw him back to his hometown. He is not allowed to appear in City B. Such a pipsqueak is considered useless.”

Furthermore, he looked uneducated and was young. He made mistakes because he did not follow the right people.

Although he was hateful, the person who led all this was really hateful.

Armand laughed, “I thought he was really violent and didn’t mind getting his hands dirty…”

Boyce poked him with his elbow.

He held his ribs that were painful and glared at Boyce, “You have such a strong power, do you want to kill me or what?”

Boyce ignored him and walked to the car. He opened the car door and got into the car. While glancing behind, he asked, “What should we do now?”

Matthew replied without answering his question directly, “I heard that the nightclub on Central Road belongs to him?”

Boyce praised, “The most awesome existence in the community.”

Those who could enjoy inside that place were all somewhat famous. It was said that there were all kinds of girls inside there and many rich kids had spent over twenty days out of a month there.

Imagine there was how much fun inside.

At this moment, Armand opened the car door and glanced at Boyce who was sitting in the passenger seat. He frowned as he was still holding the grudge for being poked by Boyce just now, “You got in my car, what about your own car?”

Boyce was unconcerned and spread out his hands, “Somebody else is driving for me.”

His subordinates were all here and it was not him who drove when he came.

Armand snorted and sneered, “Just like you, somebody who doesn’t know how to love a woman. No wonder you can’t find a woman.”

Boyce was speechless.

It was rare for him to look at Armand with an extremely serious expression. He then said, “Don’t you ever mention this to me again.”

Should he be teased for not having a girlfriend?

Damn it for being teased every day.

What a joke.

Did Armand really think that he had no temper?

“What, are you shameful and annoyed?” Armand stepped on the accelerator and drove the car out. He looked askance at Boyce sternly, “Are you going to tell me that you have lost your virginity?”

Boyce was speechless.

Boyce was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.


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