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Snare of Love novel Chapter 491

The news was talking about how a big company in C city was acquired by WY Group from City B overnight. There was a stir.

The scrolling pictures suddenly showed Matthew getting out of a car in front of the WY Group building. It was only his side profile, but she could see the clear outline of his face. It was three-dimensional and even through the screen, she could feel the wintriness extruding from his.

“This is the first appearance of the president of WY Group after acquiring NL Group. He is currently not accepting any interviews and hence we wouldn’t be able to find out more about this acquisition.”

The pictures were all taken in secret. Matthew rejected all interviews and hence there were no pictures of him from the front.

Dolores lowered the car window and tried to listen more carefully to the news and see it more clearly on the screen. Her hands were on the car door and she looked attentively at the screen. The pictures changed very quickly and now the person in charge of NL Group appeared on the screen. He looked dispirited and had stubbles all over his chin. He looked crestfallen.

Theresa was focusing on the traffic light in front of her and didn’t notice that Dolores was looking at something. The red light turned green and she started the car.

The screen was quickly covered up by the other large buildings, and Dolores couldn’t see it anymore.

She pulled her hand back and rolled up her body into a small ball. She bit her lips and her sharp teeth poked through her lips. It was going to bleed but it seemed like she couldn’t feel any pain. She just wanted to suppress her longing which was roaring inside of her, but she wasn’t able to control her emotions well.

The feeling of loneliness. She wanted to cry but he wasn’t by her side to comfort her. She could only swallow her emotions.

She opened her eyes and tried to hold back the tears that were going to fall.

After a while, the car stopped in front of the building. The workshop was on the third floor.

Oscar’s car was parked on the side. Theresa peeked at it when she got out of the car. She reached out her hand and opened the door to the backseat. She said, “He sure is diligent, coming here every day.”

Dolores managed to calm herself down, but the stormy emotions in her hadn’t completely disappeared yet. She felt more complicated hearing about his news right now than when she left one month ago.

Who said that time would heal everything?

Why was she missing him more than before?

Time wasn’t able to heal all wounds.

“Dolores?” Theresa called out to her seeing that she wasn’t getting out of the car.

Dolores snapped out of it and looked up, she smiled awkwardly, “I’m getting old, it’s easy to lose myself in my thoughts nowadays.”

Theresa smiled and didn’t say anything. She knew why Dolores was spacing out.

Dolores got out of the car and they walked into the building together. They got into the lift and arrived on the third floor. Everyone was at work already. 11 embroidery masters, they all lived in this building. The building had 4 floors, the third floor was a workshop, the second was for weaving and the fourth floor was for accommodation. The first floor was left empty.

Oscar was the one who got her the place. The environment was nice and the rent wasn’t too high, it was still affordable for her.

Oscar seemed to have a growing interest in embroidery. When they walked in, he was sitting in front of one of the masters, watching him as he used a golden thread to embroider a phoenix and a peony.

This master was one of the special ones amongst the 11 of them. Talented embroiders were usually older women, but he was a twenty-something years old young man. His face was fair and his facial features were refined. His hands were as delicate as women’s, they were slender and nimble. His embroideries always looked alive, his needles were always accurate and he could produce an exquisite work of art.

Oscar stared at his fingers as he worked, he clicked his tongue, “It’s unfortunate.”

He didn’t realize that those two were behind him.

Therese glanced at him, “What’s so unfortunate?”

Indeed, what was so unfortunate?”

Oscar was lost in his thoughts and jumped in surprised upon hearing Theresa. He looked up and was frantic, “You, when did you get here? Why did you walk so quietly?”

Theresa clicked her tongue, “It’s not that I walked quietly, you were just deaf. Also, what’s so unfortunate?”

She immediately thought that something was embroidered incorrectly, and hence she lowered her head to look at the embroidery. The blooming peony was embroidered with golden threads, the man was making a breast wrap and if something went wrong he had to redo everything.


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