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Snare of Love novel Chapter 492

Victoria had passed away and she couldn’t change this fact.

The only thing she could do was to carry forward the Forbis family’s Gambiered Canton Gauze and return it to its original glory.

It shouldn’t have had to disappear from this world because of that one person.

Perhaps, only by doing this her heart could feel better.

Oscar frowned. He didn’t understand what she meant and Dolores also didn’t want to explain it to him.

The matter was too complicated and wasn’t going to be explained in a few words, so she said to him playfully, “Uncle, don’t frown. It will get stuck like that.”

Oscar liked others to praise him for being handsome and young. Dolores’s words successfully amused him, “Let’s ask everyone to go out for a meal tonight. I will make the arrangements, how about that?”

As if afraid that Dolores might refuse, he hurriedly added, “This XF textile mill is also on the right track. Although it is small in scale, it is developing steadily. This should be celebrated. What do you think?”

Dolores didn’t want to dampen Oscar’s hospitality, so she said, “Okay, you arrange it.”

“That’s more like it. These workers should not only be paid appropriately, but should be shown these kinds of things so they will work even harder.” Oscar said in a low voice in Dolores’s ear.

Although he looked like a sloppy fool all day, he actually was still somewhat capable. It was just that his personality was like this.

Everyone got off work at five o’clock in the evening. There were as few as eleven people on the third floor and around twenty on the second floor, making a total of thirty. Oscar had arranged three tables in a top-class restaurant and everyone was very happy.

The two children were also brought over and now they were sitting next to her and Theresa. Dolores had handed over all matters of socializing to Oscar, she couldn’t socialize when it came to such occasions.

On her table, most of the people were from the third floor. Most of the women present did not drink. Theresa placed the opened white wine in front of Ashton, “If you want to drink then help yourself, no formalities. There are all women here and no one can accompany you. You can have a couple of drinks by yourself, but don’t get drunk. No one will care about you if you are drunk.”

Ashton spoke little and didn’t like to drink. He raised his head to look at Theresa and then put the wine back, “I don’t want to delay tomorrow’s work.”

Theresa raised her eyebrows but didn’t say anything.

The other two tables were not quiet anymore. Oscar had made the atmosphere very lively and men over there naturally wanted to drink.

Andrew offered some dishes to Dolores, “Mommy, eat more.”

She had already been pregnant for three months and had not gained any weight.

He was losing his head with worry.

Dolores smiled and patted her son’s head feeling like the child had not been raised in vain. No matter how much hardship she went through, it was all worth it. God had given her such a great present.

Amanda was not to be outdone and served the food on Dolores’s dinner plate, “Mommy, eat more. It will make the baby grow quickly.”

She was not jealous of her brother. She was going to have to follow her elder brother around to be able to learn a lot in the future.

“If I eat a lot and become fat and ugly. Won’t you despise me when I take you to school?”

She had read a parenting article in a magazine. She couldn’t remember the specific name of the magazine, but a specific example told in it was still fresh in her memory. It was a story about a working mother. Her work was not extremely hard, she just needed to go to the workshop and usually her mother-in-law picked up her child from school. Once the mother-in-law had something to do and couldn’t go to pick up the child. So, she had no choice but to take one hour off from her work to pick up the child. Because she was in a hurry, she wore the factory uniform that must be worn in the workshop. The factory produced machinery and used motor oil, which was hard to avoid from getting on to the uniform when working there.

She just appeared like that at the kindergarten to pick up her son.


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