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Snare of Love novel Chapter 498

The man who was studying the document finally lifted his head.

Charles had gotten ahold of this man’s weak point and he was poking that man’s heart with a blade. Charles was sure that if he mentioned Dolores, Matthew wouldn’t be as indifferent and composed while working anymore and ignoring him.

“If my guesses are correct, I would say that most of those troubles that I faced recently was your handiwork, no?” Charles continued, “Mr. Nelson, are you just a miser, or do you not trust your woman?”

Matthew appeared to be unconcerned as he tossed a pen onto a desk, which made a metallic sound. That sound was especially sharp in that dead silent atmosphere, as if signaling some restlessness. He was probably feeling stuffy as a film of sweat covered his sculpted arms. He tore away his tie and replied, “Mr. White, you seem to be in high spirits recently. You seem to have too much time on your hands since you are poking your nose into others’ business.”

Charles had actually put aside his fatigue. He didn’t have it easy lately as it wasn’t an easy task to get that mess over with. He didn’t come here all the way to blow some steam with Matthew.

Initially, he wanted to do it for Dolores. He wanted to know what major thing had happened to Matthew that forced him to leave his pregnant wife alone and take their child away.

When he learned about Jeffery’s matter, it was only natural that he wanted to learn the entirety of this matter.

“Lola has tried every means at her disposal to hide the truth away from you, but in the end you still learn the truth. That matter with Jeffery must be your doing, right?”

Charles purposely tested him.

He was in the dark as to the details of this ordeal, so he could only throw guesses based on the clues he had.

When he offered his conjecture, another idea popped into his mind. Could it be that Matthew had resented Dolores for keeping that a secret from him back then? Was that the reason Dolores choose to leave?

Other than that, he couldn’t come up with anything.

His tone grew more sarcastic, “Once a girl is married to a man, so she must be faithful to him no matter the circumstances? I really feel sorry for her.”

Matthew’s expression began to solidify as it finally began to show some underlying emotion. He said nothing as his face grew dark.

Charles held himself back as he didn’t want to force the issue to an insurmountable situation. He took the lead and broke this gridlock, “I am here to thank you, Mr. Nelson. I hope that Jeffery can meet his end this time, and that would certainly give my stepfather who is in heaven now some solace.”

Matthew was on the verge of exploding as his said with a frosty voice, “Thank me? Why did I sense provocation in your voice?”

Charles followed up with his flattery, “Mr. Nelson, don’t be enraged. As a token of apology, I will disclose to you a fact. Lola has long known Victoria’s identity. She was thinking on behalf of you for hiding that, fearing that you couldn’t take it, fearing that you couldn’t accept that you were all along hating your biological mother. For that, I am certain that with your intelligence, you must have sensed something. As for the reason this was kept in the dark, I think that only you know why.”

In fact, he had come to Matthew because he wanted to resolve the conflict between Dolores and Matthew. He didn’t want to see Dolores suffer while bringing up her child alone.

However, little did he know, the matter he had brought up didn’t create the conflict that existed between Matthew and Dolores.

Matthew stood up from his chair and patted his creased shirt. He didn’t lose any of his aura as he said domineeringly, “Mr. White, you know a lot. It’s just that your smartass face looks very unlikable.”

Charles laughed, “Is that so?”


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