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Snare of Love novel Chapter 499

Charles who had returned to White City rested for a little bit before going to see Jayden. He was in a hurry to know what had transpired in the time period he was busy with the company’s matters. He need to know how Matthew was able to learn of the truth about Victoria’s death, and whether Dolores leaving Matthew was because of her hiding the truth from Matthew.

No matter how much he tried to guess, it was all just a conjecture.

He didn’t let Tom come along with him as he dismissed him. His driver and Amelia was by his side.

It was easy for him to learn of these news as he was able to know where Jayden was staying in White City after just making a few calls.

He was staying in the Forbis old mansion, and there were only three men living in this huge mansion. Kevin and Thomas who was there to take care of Jayden were the other two. The three men living there were all men in their twilight years.

One could vaguely feel that this was a rather bizarre combination, and yet at the same time they looked a little dreary.

When Charles rolled through the door, he immediately saw Jayden lying in a rocking chair in the courtyard, and there was a thin blanket covering his body. It was only a few days, but he felt like a completely different person. There was no sign of his past energetic self now.

After getting off the steps, Charles motioned for Amelia to wait for him outside. He moved his wheelchair forward by himself.

It was summer now, and there were lush foliage in the courtyard with green leaves stuffing the trees. They provided a shade against the sun, creating a cool area. Jayden’s rocking chair was just underneath the trees.

Thomas saw that Charles had entered the courtyard without any greeting. Fearing that he might disturb Jayden’s rest, he walked over and asked, “May I know who are you looking for?”

Charles jerked up his chin to gesture towards Jayden.

“I’m sorry. My master will not see any guests. Please return.” Thomas gestured politely in the direction of the door.

“My legs are crippled and it is not easy for me to travel to this place. I won’t disturb his rest. I just want to have a few words with him.”

Thomas wanted to refuse again, but Jayden who was on the rocking chair opened his eyes slowly at this moment and said to Thomas, “I have free time now. You can attend to your matters now, let me have a word with him.”

Thomas reminded him, “Keep the conversation short. It’s not good for your health.”

Victoria’s death was a devastating blow to him. His spirits were deteriorating from day to day.

Jayden jerked up the corners of his mouth, “I won’t die that easily.”

Thomas turned around with a sigh and made his way into the mansion. Charles said apologetically, “I’m sorry for intruding.”

Jayden knew who Charles was, and he could guess the reason he had made this visit, so he was blunt, “You can ask anything you want.”

Charles showed his condolences to Victoria’s death, “I can’t believe that my meeting with her in City B last time was the last time I would see her. If I had known, I wouldn’t part with her in such an unpleasant way.”

Jayden didn’t show any emotion after listening to that. It seemed that he had hid away all of his sorrows and longings.

Charles immediately broached the subject after paying his respects to the dead. After all, Jayden wanted this to go straight to the point, so he was in no position to beat around the busy and further disturb the old man’s resting session.

Regarding everything that happened lately in City B, those that surrounded Matthew, Jeffery and Dolores, Charles wanted to know the entirely of their conflicts. As someone who had come a long way, Jayden must know the details very well. Therefore, Charles asked everything in one go.

Jayden looked at him indifferently with his head tilted and he revealed everything that he knew without hiding. It was same as what Charles had predicted. Matthew had learnt of Victoria’s identity, and Jeffery’s matter was related to Matthew too.

Nobody knew a person as well as his own father. After Matthew had learnt the truth, he would proceed to investigate thoroughly about Victoria’s car accident. Whether it was purely accident or the doing of some people, the answer would be revealed soon.

Charles nodded to signify that those answers had fitted his prediction. He asked again, “So, Dolores left because Matthew resented her for hiding the truth from him?”

“What?” Jayden looked at him with a startled expression. Dolores had left him? After Victoria’s funeral was over, he immediately came to White City. Kevin said that it was easy to linger on the past if Jayden had stayed, since that place was where he used to live with Victoria. Every scene was familiar to him, so if someone was missing forever from the scene, it would deal a massive blow to the person left behind.

“You don’t know that?” It was Charles’ turn to feel startled. Could it be that this was not the reason Dolores had left?

Jayden let out a sigh. Perhaps, Dolores had learnt of his origin. That must be the reason she left.

“There is no secret that can remain unknown forever in this world.” No matter the passage of time, truth would always come out in the light. Nobody could keep a secret forever.

“She is Jolene’s daughter. She must have left because she learnt of her origin. The day I used to fear most has arrived anyway.”

At that time, when Matthew divorced with Dolores, he used to think that it was a good thing for both of them. After all, if their real identities were revealed only after living as husband and wife, it would form a knot in their hearts. The reason he had promised Jolene back then was because he didn’t have the heart to refuse her. Later on, he wanted to arrange for Maria of the Herbert family to marry with Matthew precisely because he wanted to sever the bond in between the original couple.


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