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Snare of Love novel Chapter 504

Boyce leaned on his car seat and propped his head with one arm. He should have pushed Jasmine away at the very first instance. How could his mind wander off?

He felt like he was the one bullying her. Even though she was the one who took the initiative, he was an adult. Furthermore, it was not like he was young already. How could he not realize what she was trying to do at that time?

Just as Boyce was getting upset and annoyed, the phone in his pocket rang. It was Armand who had called, asking him if he wanted to go to country Y.

Boyce was a little confused, why would they want to go there at this timing?

Armand didn't tell him why but just asked if he wanted to go or not.

Boyce thought about it for a while. He knew that he would have weird thoughts if he stayed idle, "I'll go."

"Reach the airport before 3 o'clock. If not, don't blame us for not waiting for you." Armand directly hung up the phone after saying that.

Armand sat in the car, holding the invitation card in his hand. He was examining the people on it, and the time and venue were printed on the back of the invitation card. The exhibition was not held within the country, but instead, it was an international fashion clothing exhibition. Therefore, it would be held in country Y, where the clothing industry was most powerful and most influential. However, for the exhibition this time, they would only be focusing on one special topic.

Armand smacked his lips and said, "I really don't understand why you need to go there..."

However, in an instant, Armand suddenly thought of something. Dolores was a clothing designer, so did Matthew wanted to go there and find her?

Thinking of this, he turned his head, looked at Matthew, and asked, "You think that Dolores will show up?"

Matthew frowned his eyebrows. Obviously, he did not want to talk about this topic. He directly leaned back on his seat, closed his eyes, and tried to take a quick nap.

That was what he was thinking about. However, he didn't know if he would bump into her or not, or would she even be there in the first place. If she was willing to reveal herself, her figure would have appeared on the invitation card along with Theresa. But now, Theresa was the only person printed on the invitation card.

Matthew was not sure. Deep inside, he wasn't sure if he wanted to see her, however, he was looking forward to it too. It was a very conflicting feeling.

Fortunately, Armand was a smart person. He didn't continue to pursue this topic and just sat there quietly, waiting for Boyce to arrive.

While he was waiting, he looked at the invitation card in his hand again. He didn't know what was there to look for on the invitation card, but he just wanted to look at it.

However, after a while, he felt that it was a betrayal towards Theresa if he kept looking at the woman on the invitation card, so he threw the invitation card aside.

After waited for a while, Boyce arrived. If they fly over now, they could reach there in the morning, rest for half a day, and attend the exhibition at night.

Armand could understand why Matthew had been quiet for a night and a day. But why was Boyce so silent too?

He looked as if he had lost his soul and wasn't as spirited as before. Armand felt as though he had come out with two sick patients.


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