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Snare of Love novel Chapter 505

The last twelve models took turns to stand on the runway, they then showed ‘their’ beauties one by one. The models walked slowly while the light followed them, the lyrical music from Chinese Zither was played at that time, the male host narrated with deep affection and a resonant voice.

I still liked you so much, as if the continuous musical sound, which traveled for long-distance.

I still liked you so much, as if the flowing water from the top of the mountain, which was difficult to find the confidant.

I still liked you so much, as if the burned end zither’s sound, which was powerful.

I still liked you so much, as if the moving chess, which killed and relied on each other.

I still liked you so much, as if the fighting on a battleground, which had caused the gunpowder smoke everywhere.

I still liked you so much, as if the strewed blacks and whites, which were all carrying their meanings.

I still liked you so much, as if the attractive smell from the book, which was kept in my heart.

I still liked you so much, as if the book in my hand, which was showing the great tenderness between lovers.

I still liked you so much, as if the absorption of knowledge, which was hard to be stopped.

I still liked you so much, as if the bouquet of liquor in the deep alley, which wafted through a long distance.

I still liked you so much, as if the aged wine, which made people drunk.

I still liked you so much, as if the bouquet of daughter’s wine, which broke the heart when drinking.

The host’s narration with perfect voice and deep affection, and the visual feast had pushed the exhibition to the climax. The most unexplainable love in the world, still made people yearn for it.

The host was narrating with affections, but it seemed more like a lover expressing love to the other.

It seemed like this last point had presented the whole main idea of this exhibition to everyone, in a special way.

The main theme this time was the Chinese wedding dress. A wedding meant the combination of two people, a man and a woman, who loved each other and became husband and wife, after all it was related to love.

It was matched exactly with these twelve ‘I still liked you so much’ in the narration.

It made people feel that they could only show their love, by wearing this kind of wedding dress for their loved ones when they got married.

The exhibition was so splendid, it had made everyone applaud.

Just when everyone wanted to interview with the organizer and those people who were interested in collaboration were waiting for the organizer, the male host’s voice was heard speaking loudly again, “Let’s welcome the founder of ‘Cloud’, Renee Gordon.”

The light fell at the back, followed by a person walking slowly. Theresa Gordon was wearing the same cheongsam as in the invitation card, with the same hairstyle and make-up as well, the only difference was that the real person was way more gorgeous.

Armand Bernie who was sitting in the corner looked at Theresa’s face, he felt like he had met her before, but he was completely unfamiliar with her, this was a strange feeling.

He pursed his lips and looked at Theresa who was under the spotlight, he tried to find some hints from her face that could prove that he had met her before.

However, he couldn’t find any, he really didn’t meet her before. He had first seen her on the invitation card, this was the first time to meet her in person, so he didn’t know Theresa.

Theresa took the microphone which was passed to her by the host on the stage, she appeared calm and relaxed when facing the flickering spotlights from the audience seats, she then bowed, “Thank you all for coming today, and thanks for all the event crews, thank you!”

She stood gracefully on the stage, she held the microphone and looked at everyone, “I’m not the founder of ‘Cloud’, the founder is not able to attend due to some personal reasons. Should you have any queries, you can ask me, and I will answer them one by one.”

“May I know why the founder names it as ‘Cloud’?” A reporter asked initially.

Theresa answered fluently, “I believe that from all of the people coming today, there are a lot of fashion professionals, I think that you guys should have heard of Tea silk before, right?”

Someone exclaimed, “Is it the Tea silk which has disappeared from people’s view for more than twenty years?”


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