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Snare of Love novel Chapter 509

He was fascinated and obsessed, wanting to rush up to her, hug her, and tell her he missed her.

But the reality was that he only dared to look at her from afar, and did not even dare to make a sound, for fear that she would see him.

They came closer and closer. As long as he called them softly, they could see him. But he came in such a hurry and eagerness that he hadn't thought about how to face her.

Just as they were about to see him, he turned and stood at the corner.

He had never been so cowardly in his life. Facing his lover and children, he chickened out.

"Mommy, can I make wontons tonight?" Amanda asked as she walked to the entrance of the neighborhood, taking Dolores by the arm.

Dolores looked down at her daughter and asked with a smile, "Do you know how to do that?"

"No, but I can learn."

Just as Amanda finished, Andrew said, "Then you eat your own wontons."

"Okay! Humph, I won't let you eat my wontons even if you want to," Amanda tilted her head and said loudly.

Andrew got worried, "What if the wontons you make have no fillings but only wrappers?"

"It won't happen. You have to trust me." Amanda took her brother's hand, "I've made dumplings before, have you forgotten? I have experience."

Amanda spoke like an adult. After saying that, she also patted Andrew's shoulder, "Don't worry."

"I remember that you made some dough last time, right? This time Daddy isn't here and no one will eat your dough."

"You ..." Amanda felt hurt and let go of Andrew's hand and took Dolores' hand, "Mommy, Mommy, look, my brother is so annoying. He doesn't trust me and even hits me. The teacher said that children should be praised so that they can improve. If he keeps hitting me, I'll become dumb."

Dolores felt funny. Could praise make people smart?

However, she didn't say so. Well, praise was needed. Otherwise, what if she really got dumb?

"Amanda is the best. You can definitely make perfect wontons."

"Mommy, I want to make wontons too," Andrew said. Otherwise, what should he do when Mommy and his sister made wontons together? He wanted to be a part of it.

Dolores smiled dotingly and helplessly, "Okay, you guys can do whatever you want, okay?"

The two children laughed happily. It was like they heard the helplessness in Dolores' tone and were amused by their mischief.

Gradually, they walked into the neighborhood, and their voices grew lower and lower, and finally they could not be heard at all.

Matthew remained standing in place. Hearing their conversation, he remembered the time when Dolores got petulant and gave him all the dough made by the two children, which made him unable to sleep all night.

He could still feel how he felt at that time. The corners of his mouth lifted slightly without him realizing it.

Happiness was so simple. There were no flashy words, no exciting scenes. Having a simple family was happiness.

He stood on the roadside and watched the building where Dolores lived from day to night. The lights went on in that building.


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