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Snare of Love novel Chapter 510

Andrew was just about to walk over when Dolores said from the kitchen, "Andrew, do Mommy a favor, okay?"

"Okay." Andrew walked to the kitchen and Dolores pointed to the green onions in the basket, "Can you help Mommy peel some green onions, please?"

Andrew picked up the green onions and gave Dolores the answer with his actions.

By the time Andrew had peeled the green onions, Dolores had already cooked the wontons. She took the green onions that Andrew had peeled, washed them and chopped them up and put them in the bowls. The soup for the wontons was made in the bowl directly. She put some shrimps, oil, a little soy sauce, and chopped green onions in the bowl. Then, she added some soup to mix everything. Finally, she put the wontons in the bowl. Then the wontons were done.

"Wash your hands. It's time to eat," Dolores said to Andrew. She placed the bowl with the wontons on the plate so it wouldn't burn her hands.

Andrew already smelled the wontons and didn't have time to look at the "fool". He washed his hands, sat down on the chair at the table, and waited for his dinner.

The soup of the wontons smelled good because of the oil. The shrimps added a fresh flavor to the wontons. The wrappers of the wontons were made of dietary alkaline so they were very smooth. Dolores brought the bowls for the two children to them and then offered Oscar one of the two remaining bowls, "If you don't get enough, I'll make you something else."

Dolores had no idea he would be back so early. She thought Oscar would be back with Theresa, so she didn't prepare too many wontons. She was worried that he wouldn't get enough with just one bowl of wontons.

Oscar waved his hand and said with a smile, "No need. I ate something on the plane. This is enough. I'm sorry for stealing yours."

He looked at the two children and asked, "Are these enough for you guys?"

Amanda licked her lips and looked at Oscar with a smile. Then she said sweetly, "Mr. Adams, when I finish my wontons later, can you take me out for a walk, please?"

She wanted to eat ice cream, but Mommy wouldn't buy it for her. Mommy said that too much ice cream was bad for her stomach, but she wanted it so much.

Andrew instantly knew what Amanda wanted to do. So, he said, "I want to go too, take me with you."

He wanted to eat ice cream too, especially after eating hot wontons.

Dolores frowned, "What do you guys want? Huh?"

"Oh, we just want to take a walk outside to help digestion after eating so much." Amanda pouted and looked at Andrew, "Right, brother?"

Andrew cooperated with her rarely, "Yes, it's good for our bodies to take a walk after eating."

Dolores wanted to say something else, but Oscar said first, "Well, they just want to go out. You don't have to worry about it with me following them."

Since Oscar said so, she couldn't say no. After dinner, Dolores cleaned up the dishes on the table, and Oscar put a flash drive on the table, "This is the video I let someone record at the scene. Check it out when you have time. You should be there, it's very nice. It's a pity that you weren't there."

He was here to deliver this to Dolores. He sighed, "This is the fruit of two months of your hard work. I really can't understand why you don't want to show up."

Dolores bowed her head and did not explain. She just said faintly, "Don't take them out too long. Come back early."

Oscar said, "Okay."

Dolores went to the kitchen with the bowls. The two children had already put on their shoes. They could take care of themselves on their own now.

Oscar took them out. As they got on the elevator, he said, "What do you guys want?"


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