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Snare of Love novel Chapter 514

It was so unreal and dreamy. Whether it was real or not wasn’t important anymore. She just followed her heart as she responded to her entwinement with him. Her soul seemed to be forcefully pulled away, and only a shell that couldn’t think was left.

The intense passion that was accumulated caused her body to gradually sink into his arms.

When she heard him say, “I miss you so much,” in a daze, her eyes turned red for no reason. As her consciousness sank, she just felt that there was a huge hand caressing her belly with non-stop kisses.

She just curled up in his arms like this. All her fears could be driven away, and she could fall asleep peacefully with him by her side.

The next day, when the sun rose up, Dolores rolled over and wanted to hug him. However, her touch was responded with ice-cold emptiness. There wasn’t anyone lying next to her.

She only slowly opened her eyes after she flickered her eyelashes for multiple times. The other side was empty. The bed sheet was also neat. It was obvious that there was no one, but last night felt so real and intense.

She felt that she wasn’t dreaming because the breathing and voice was too familiar. She quickly rose up and got out of bed. Then she pushed the bathroom door open, but there wasn’t anyone. She thought that he might not be here, so she quickly walked toward the living room and heard that there was a sound from the kitchen. A thought came to her mind, was that him?

She pretty much walked over briskly and blurted out with great anticipation, “Matt…”

But before she could say it out loud, she already saw the person inside. It wasn’t whom she expected it to be. Theresa Gordon was the one inside the kitchen.

Theresa was a bit hungry after she came back early in the morning, so she went to the kitchen to cook something up to eat. When she saw Dolores still in her pajamas, she asked, “You’re awake already? I cooked some hot and sour noodles. Do you want to eat some?”

When Dolores returned to her senses, she grabbed her messy hair. Was she having hallucinations? She turned around to look at her home. There wasn’t any sign that someone came here before at all.

After thinking carefully, how could he possibly show up at midnight?

She pressed her temples. She must have had hallucinations. How could he suddenly show up in her room?

That didn’t make any sense at all. Even if he could come and find this place, it would be impossible for him to sneak into her room quietly.

Theresa came out as she carried the hot and sour noodles. The atmosphere was filled with the strong sour and spicy smell. She frowned as she looked at Theresa, “Are you eating this early in the morning? Won’t you get an upset stomach?”

Theresa put the hot and sour noodles on the table and sat down as she pulled a chair away, “I just suddenly wanted to eat this. It should be fine since it’s just one meal.”

Dolores turned around and entered the room, but she seemed to be thinking about something. So she turned around and looked at her, “Did you meet anyone?”

“No,” Theresa lowered her head. She had already prepared herself, so she was able to answer Dolores’ questions smoothly. At most, she just didn’t dare look at her eyes.

Because she was guilty.

Dolores didn’t see Matthew in the USB Oscar gave to her either. At that time, the three of them kept a low-profile. There were a lot of people and they also sat at a corner, so they weren’t captured in it.

Thus, it seemed that Matthew must not know about this, so it was completely impossible for Matthew to appear.

She lowered her eyes and hid her thoughts.

“Why did you ask that?” Theresa looked at her and asked to test the waters, “Is there someone you want to meet?”

As she spoke, her gaze fell at her bare feet.

Following her gaze, Dolores lowered her head and just realized that she walked out barefooted. She even forgot to wear her slippers. She quickly explained, “No, I’m just asking. I came out hurriedly because I was so thirsty.”

To prove that what she said was true, she walked toward the table and poured a glass of water. Then, she put the glass down after drinking, “I’ll go back to my room to change my clothes.”

After she spoke, she hurriedly returned to her room. She was deliberately avoiding the topic. Her room looked the same as last night before she went to sleep. Nothing had been moved, and no traces were left. She sat at the bed side, wore her slippers, and bitterly laughed. She must be too tired recently to have this kind of hallucination.


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