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Snare of Love novel Chapter 513

Matthew Nelson left the coffee shop at around 10 o’clock. At this time, the coffee shop was near its closing already, so he couldn’t continue to stay inside.

Boyce Shawn and Armand Bernie had probably never seen Matthew so pitiful like this. He had to make himself look like a beggar just so he could see Dolores Flores. He didn’t even have a place to stay.

He went back to the gate of the residence to wait for his son’s message. However, he saw Oscar Adams walk out of the residence instead.

Oscar talked to Dolores about the exhibition, so he came out a little late. He walked over and passed him the access card without saying anything, “You can’t get in without this.”

Matthew didn’t hesitate. He reached his arm out and took it over, “Thanks.”

Oscar thought for a while, “Do you want to take a bath at my place?”

“No, I still have to go back tomorrow,” Abbott Baron gave him a phone call and said that Boyce got into trouble.

He didn’t clearly hear what happened at that time. He only heard Amanda Nelson’s voice, then he hung up. Abbott probably thought that he heard it already, so he didn’t call again.

If it was just a minor matter, Abbott would probably not tell him. So, he needed to go back after seeing Dolores.

Oscar smiled and handed him a business card he took out from his pocket, “If there’s anything that you need my help in, you can look for me. I’m very familiar with city C.”

“How are you related to Stanley Lennon?” Matthew asked as he took it from him.

Oscar was stunned for a moment. It had been a long time since someone directly mentioned Stanley in front of him. The smile on his face disappeared, and he became serious, “I was wild and mischievous when I was young. My hands were almost chopped off by someone. He was the one who saved me, so I always followed him afterwards. Then, he…so I helped him watch JK over.”

After he finished talking, he looked at Matthew, “You must be that person Jolene Harris arranged for Lola.”

He used a declarative sentence and not an interrogative one.

At that time, Jolene didn’t allow him to go and find Dolores. She said that she already arranged everything for her. Although Jolene didn’t directly say it, he knew deep inside that this must be the case since Nelson was the surname of both Dolores’ children.

This was also the surname of the family of Jolene’s husband at that time.

It wasn’t hard to guess the situation based from personal experiences.

“We are bounded by fate,” Dolores wasn’t sent to him due to someone’s arrangement and certainly not to pay for someone’s sin.

From his point of view, that was a type of harm. It was physically and emotionally hurtful to Dolores since she was used by her mother as leverage to pay for her sins. For him, it was an insult. It was an insult to his feelings.

In his subconscious, nothing and no one was involved for it was purely feelings between Dolores and him. He liked her. It was as simple as that.

Oscar pursed his lips and awkwardly smiled. It was as if he realized that what he said sounded bad. No one would like to be arranged by someone, “Then, I’ll leave now.”

Matthew silently groaned in agreement.

He found a place to sit down on after Oscar left. He received Andrew Nelson’s phone call when it was almost one o’clock. He hung up after it rang twice.

This was his agreement with his son. His son would call him after Dolores fell asleep. However, he couldn’t help but frown after glancing at the time. She went to sleep when it was one o’clock already?

He didn’t have time to worry about this problem right now. Instead, he used the access card Oscar gave him to successfully enter the residence and find the room Dolores was living in.

The door wasn’t closed well as a crack shone through. He opened it with just a gentle push. Andrew wore summer pajamas and slippers on his feet as he stood on the hallway.

The lights were turned off inside, but the curtains weren’t drawn aside. So the light that entered at an angle from the outside was enough for him to see the general furnishings inside the house.

Andrew gave him a pair of slippers and instructed, “Stay quiet.”

“Does she usually go to bed this late?” He softly asked as he put on the slippers.

Andrew nodded and whispered, “More or less, she sleeps late anyway. Sometimes it’s because of work. Sometimes…I also don’t know why she couldn’t fall asleep. In short, she usually sleeps after 12 o’clock.”

After talking, he walked towards Dolores’ room and spoke softly, “Mommy sleeps in this room.”


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