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Snare of Love novel Chapter 519

At this moment, Todd regretted a little, not knowing whether it was going to cause trouble for Boyce. He looked at Jasmine helplessly and could only pray for the situation to not get too serious.

“You go in.” Todd stood aside, giving up his place.

Jasmine glanced at Todd, then plucked up her courage and opened the door. The dark office chair was sharp and neat, looking particularly solemn.

As soon as Boyce saw Jasmine his brows wrinkled. It was unexpected for her to appear here.

He said seriously in a low voice, “There is nothing you can do here, leave.”

Jasmine stood by the door, her hands clasped in front of her. She felt nervous and even terrified while facing a person like Officer Miller, but she did not back down, “This matter started because of me. I felt like it was necessary for me to come to your officer to explain things clearly.”

“Heh!” Miller laughed, “Okay. Since Boyce doesn’t want to say it, you tell me. How did this happen?”

“This matter has nothing to do with Boyce.” Jasmine looked up at Miller, “It was all my initiative.”

Miller laughed candidly again. He found her very amusing. He sat on the chair and looked at Jasmine leisurely, “In the photo, both of you were hugging together, how come it has nothing to do with him? What is his identity? Do you know how huge is the impact of other people’s conjecture?”

Jasmine was lost for words for a while. She had no way to explain the photo, and it did have an impact.

She clasped her hands together and clenched them into fists, “Whether you believe it or not, it is my fault. It really has nothing to do with Boyce, please don’t punish him.”

Miller looked at Boyce and then at Jasmine. He couldn’t help but find it funny and his serious face suddenly became amiable.

He knew Boyce’s personality, and had felt that there must have been a misunderstanding when he saw the news. Taking Boyce’s personality into account, he felt like he couldn’t do such a thing.

It was just that, he was a government official. This kind of news was bound to have a negative impact on the image of government officials in society and make people think that they were abusing their power and acting recklessly.

Jasmine couldn’t see the thought process of Miller. Thinking he was still going to punish Boyce, she asked in a determined tone, “I am an adult, even if I am young. Boyce is also unmarried. Can’t we date? Is it illegal to date?”

Boyce looked at Jasmine in astonishment, “Umm, Jasmine, I…”

“I just don’t understand. It wasn’t even your fault. And I have already explained why I clung to you and did not let go. At that time your guard was down and I took the initiative. But I don’t understand why no one believes me. I just don’t want you to be implicated because of me, that is all. But I feel like even if I had a hundred mouths, I still wouldn’t be able to explain clearly.” Jasmine’s eyes were red, “I just don’t want you to be affected because of me.”

Miller pressed between his eyebrows with his fingers, “Unexpectedly, she turned out to be a very stubborn little girl.”

At this time, the office door was pushed open again. A man in uniform walked up to Miller and whispered to him.

Hearing what the person told him, Miller’s complexion changed again and again until finally his face became calm. Then he said faintly, “I see.”

The man left after speaking. Miller turned on his computer and searched for news about Boyce. There were no results and there was no photo.

Instead, what was shocking was that the person who had released the photo had come out with a confession in which he admitted his wrongdoing. He claimed that he had forged the photo and had deliberately tried to discredit her because he held a grudge against her. The following were all words admitting his mistake and the impact that it had on the society. He apologized for the trouble caused to the numerous government officials who served the people and that he hoped to be forgiven.

Armand had gone to the school and had quickly found the person who had released the photo, who was originally from the same school. It was very easy to ask him to write a statement. After all, the school also wanted to resolve the matter quickly. Armand was a lawyer who knew how to write a statement in favor of Boyce and Jasmine. As long as the matter could be resolved, it didn’t matter what the truth was and what the false was. In addition, the public relations department and the major media outlets had agreed to revoke all previous news about Boyce and Jasmine, and those keywords of the news could not be found even on Weibo.

Now that the news was suppressed and the apology had almost been resolved, everyone was going to forget it in a few days.

As long as it was not copied, it was bound to fade out from everyone’s sight and would be quickly forgotten. Now that the internet was flourishing, all kinds of news were constantly flowing, and once there were no new updates on any news the people lost interest and focus their attention towards other news.

Boyce also didn’t know what Miller meant. Why was he giving him the cold-shoulder and ignoring him?

‘Just say what is my punishment.’

“Officer Miller, I was careless this time. I guarantee there will be no such thing in the future. Umm, can you let her leave first?” This was obviously not something that could be solved by explanation and it was useless for Jasmine to say it again.

If the matter was not resolved, he had to be punished.

Miller didn’t care how it happened but rather how to resolve it.


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