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Snare of Love novel Chapter 520

Matthew Nelson, who went back to wash, received a message from Theresa Gordon, saying that Dolores Flores would have to go for a checkup the day after tomorrow. She also included the location and name of the hospital they would be going to.

Whether he would be going or not, she had already informed him anyway.

After Boyce Shawn gave her a number, she sent a message to Matthew right away, telling him not to inform Armand Bernie of her identity. Matthew agreed to it, but also made a condition in which she had to send him Dolores’ status at any time.

To let him know on what she was doing every day.

Of course, Theresa did agree. On one hand, she didn't want Matthew to tell Armand her identity. On the other hand, she wanted to connect Dolores Flores and Matthew Nelson, and hoped that they would let go of their problem and get back together as soon as possible.

Since his wife was going for a checkup, Matthew probably would have gone. Besides, Theresa had told him in advance that this would give him some time to prepare.

When he went this time, he planned on living for a few days, and also got a change of clothes, so that he wouldn’t come and go hurriedly like last time.

On the day Dolores was going for the checkup, he had already arranged everything. With money and connections, it was not hard to do some things.

The two children went to school, while Theresa accompanied Dolores to the hospital.

Ever since she came to City C, she had always come to this hospital, and had a regular doctor checking her.

The doctor in the outpatient department gave Dolores some checklists. Since it had been four months already, the doctor told her on her last checkup that she had to do Down’s screening at four months. The doctor also advised that she should be on an empty stomach because they needed to extract blood, and would have a B-mode scan. This stage was basically removing fetal abnormalities.

The doctor had seen Dolores’ previous medical records, so she understood her situation better. This doctor was also an expert in this field, as many people praised her medical skills.

Dolores also had faith in her.

“You have been pregnant for four months, and you are quite thin. Remember to have rest, and have a balanced nutrition.”

The doctor advised.

Dolores smilingly said, “My physique has ever been like this; I have never gotten fat.”

The doctor laughed, “This is a dream of many women.”

Nowadays, both man and woman were losing weight and getting fitted, as they hoped their body to be in good shape. A physique that wouldn’t get fat after eating much was the dream of many women.

The doctor then quickly changed the subject, and said with smile, “This is your first time going for blood test, and probably do not know where the phlebotomy department is. I will let the ‘trainee doctor’ bring you there.”


Dolores was somehow confused, ‘The hospital have such services?’

“Somebody will accompany me; there’s no need for it.” Dolores said with a smile, as she felt that this would trouble others.

Furthermore, she had never experienced such service in any other hospitals.

“He is a male and just graduated from college; he has no clinical experience yet. Letting him see more is also experiencing things.” The doctor continued to smile; in short, she was persuading Dolores to accept it.

The doctor had already said to this point, and Dolores could hardly refuse, so she agreed, “Then, sorry for the inconvenience.”

The doctor waved her hand, “It’s no trouble at all; it is you who helped me.”

Dolores blinked her eyes, and asked with puzzlement, “Helped you? What did I help you for?”

Standing behind Dolores, Theresa was unblinkingly staring at the tall “trainee doctor” who was standing behind the doctor.

He wore a lab coat, and on his head was a blue cap specialized for doctors. He also wore a mask, and glasses in which not even his face or eyes could be seen.

If it wasn’t her who had known that Matthew knew Dolores would be coming to the hospital today, she definitely would not be guessing who he was.

However, after combining the words of the doctor, she really had to guess on him.

Looking at the height and outfit… She thought luckily the face was covered well; otherwise he could be recognized, right?

The doctor quickly explained, “Yes, of course you are helping me. Nowadays, there are very few men who would like to become obstetrician. You see, at first he was already embarrassed, as he covered his entire face, and was ashamed to meet other people. I just want him to practice more.”

Dolores did notice that there was an additional person at the clinic today; she had only glanced when she first came, and didn’t pay attention to him anymore.

Theresa took the checklist by the doctor, and lifted Dolores, “Okay, don’t ask anymore. The doctor will not lie to you. Look at you warily asking so much.”

Dolores was speechless.

‘Did I even ask a lot?’

She speechlessly looked at Theresa, “Did I ask much?”

“Not much. I just don’t want to waste time. You still haven’t eaten breakfast. We do the checkup now, and after that you get something to eat.” Theresa explained while helping her walked to the outside. She then left Dolores to the ‘trainee doctor’, “You bring her for checkup; I’ll be going to pay the fees.”

After speaking, Theresa grabbed the checklist and left.

Dolores wanted to call her out, but Theresa walked away fast and was now gone. She could only bother the ‘trainee doctor’.


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