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Snare of Love novel Chapter 523

When the 'trainee doctor' blurted out, at the moment he wanted to ask the doctor why, Dolores Flores asked one step before him, "But?"

Usually, it was not good after these sentence.

She was scared, she was afraid that there would be some bad news.

Her face tensed with anxiety, she did not notice that the 'trainee doctor' was more nervous than her.

The doctor quickly comforted her, "Don't worry too much, although three months have passed, it basically will be stable, your body is not good, still have to be careful, you're so thin, before that, are you suffering during the delivery time?"

Actually under the general conditions, the doctor would not ask, maybe it was because she knew that the male 'trainee doctor' at her back was probably the baby's father, so she asked, the purpose was to let him know that it was exhausting for a woman to give birth to baby, she should be given more cares.

"Um."Dolores did not describe detailedly, but the pain when giving birth to baby, it was really unforgettable, no matter how long had passed, the memory still existed.

The doctor inadvertently cast an eye at the back, then she continued to look at Dolores and laughed, "Your uterus is thin compared to normal people, as the months increase, the fetus will grow more mature, amniotic fluid increases, the pressure which is endured by maternal body will become bigger and bigger, you have to take a good rest and stay in a good mood."

"I'll."Dolores said.

Some of her ailments she knew herself, before that the doctor said that she could not get pregnant, to be able to have a baby, it was unexpected, being able to keep the baby and the condition was not bad, it was already considered very lucky.

Finished checking, it was very fast to get the report, after she took it, she went back to the consulting room. The doctor went through it and after that instructed her some of the precautions which were needed to be noticed, then after half a month coming back to take the result of Down's syndrome test.

That required some time.

Dolores went out from the consulting room and gave Theresa Gordon a call, she asked, "Where are you?"

That 'trainee doctor' stood in the house, he could not follow her to go out, he could just look at her secretly.

"I'm at the doorway."Theresa was waiting at the doorway all along, inside there, that 'trainee doctor' was over there, she would be just a third wheel at there.

However, the 'trainee doctor' could not follow Dolores to go out to send her back.

Therefore, Theresa was waiting at the doorway.

Dolores walked out and Theresa helped her to open the door of the car and asked, "Are the test results all fine?"

Dolores merely hummed, "All are fine."

"What do you want to eat? Let's go to eat."

"Theresa."Dolores did not bend over to get into the car, just looking at her, "I feel that you're very weird today."

According to Theresa's characteristics, even if she hated the hospital, she would not leave Dolores to an 'trainee doctor', it was obviously unusual.

"How come you become so suspicious? Didn't I have explained to you? Don't tell me to explain one more time, turn the knife again."

Theresa pretended to be very sad, her words touched a raw nerve to the weakest part in Dolores' heart, it made Dolores could not say a word for a while, instead making her feel guilty, feeling that it was because of her, letting Theresa think of hurtful matter again.

Theresa was also pregnant before, she originally got the chance to be a mother, but...

"Theresa, I'm sorry."Dolores vexed badly, reproaching herself that why had to mention this matter again.

"Alright, just say what do you want to eat, I take you there."Theresa quickly changed a nonchalant face again.

Even though she had gotten over Armand Bernie thoroughly and did not have any affection, but the fact that they had nurtured a baby before, she would not forget.

Dolores did not have breakfast yet and came to do checkup, feeling that they came here for not a long time, it was already 10 o'clock, they could have lunch already, she got into the car, then said, "Let's go to eat Hairy Crab Pot."

This one was Dolores' favourite dish, the flavor was spicy, but that restaurant also had seafood congee, it was also not bad, and the fried buns which were crispy outside and juicy inside, one bite with a mouthful of milk, it was especially delicious.

Theresa liked to go so she also had been to there for a few times, she knew the dishes of the restaurant, she also liked some of the dishes.


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