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Snare of Love novel Chapter 522

The ‘trainee doctor’ held her hand when the needle pierced into her skin. In a flash, Dolores was tensed and she totally forgot the pain from the needle. When she came back to her senses, she shook off the ‘trainee doctor’s hand without any hesitation. She glared sternly at him and scolded, “What are you doing?”

Probably, she was really pissed off, she couldn’t help but speak loudly and attracted attention from others people around them.

The ‘trainee doctor’ didn’t know whether to be happy or disappointed. He was happy because she was mad when ‘other’ man touched her, but he was also disappointed because he was not any ‘other’ man, and he still couldn’t touch her.

“Please go, I don’t need your help, I can find my way.” Dolores frowned and turned away. She didn’t know whether she was mad at the ‘trainee doctor’ or herself.

She felt her heart beating violently, as if the ‘trainee doctor’ made her heartbeat when he held her hand just now.

The ‘trainee doctor’ did not walk away, he just stood there and dared not speak up to explain himself. Until the doctor was done with the blood sampling, Dolores snatched the slip from the ‘trainee doctor’ and left.

She walked very fast, not knowing whether she was trying to escape from the ‘trainee doctor’.

She walked in a hurry, the ‘trainee doctor’ sighed deeply and accompanied her from a distance.

There were many signboards hung at each section and department in big hospitals, even if she was not familiar with the place, she can still find her way.

Ultrasound was a part of medical imaging department and it was at the first floor. There was a queue here, Dolores handed the slip to the nurse and found a seat to wait for.

The ‘trainee doctor’ stood a few step away from her.

Dolores realized that she was followed by him. She didn’t say a word and did not look at him, pretending she knew nothing.


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