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Snare of Love novel Chapter 537

“I want you to help me find out if he’s encountered anything over there,” Dolores said.

Now, her heart was getting more and more uneasy.

Especially since Oscar said that the man was approaching her intentionally just now.

Oscar was a person who looked unassuming, but he actually did things in a very reassuring way. In the short time she stayed with him, he had never let her down in his work, so she thought that Jolene and Stanley had chosen him because they knew about his character well.

Now she was really glad that she had called Oscar, otherwise, she did not know if she would run into trouble.

She was confused and her brain hurt. She rubbed her temple.

“Are you still worried?” Oscar asked.

In fact, he wanted to say that he had seen Matthew and he was downstairs.

He did not know that Dolores had already known that he came.

“Yea, the two kids are with him.” Dolores supported her forehead with one of her hands.

“You’ve met?” Oscar was shocked, “Has the two kids followed him to City B already?”

Dolores whispered, “He didn’t show up, he asked his friend to pick them up.”

“Just don’t worry, I think you don’t look good, rest well, I’ll help you investigate,” Oscar said.

“Hmm.” She felt tired.

After a while, the car stopped at the entrance of the neighbourhood. Dolores unbuckled her seat belt and pushed the door to get down, “You drive slowly.”

Oscar said that he knew, “Take care of yourself.”

Dolores smiled at him, turned around and walked into the neighbourhood. After returning to her place, she went into her bedroom and lay on the bed.

She was tired but she was unable to fall asleep. She grabbed her mobile phone and flipped to Armand’s and Boyce’s numbers. She had changed her mobile phone, but she still had their numbers saved and had not deleted them.

She wanted to call and ask for information but was hesitant to do so.


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