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Snare of Love novel Chapter 538

Dolores opened the door, and at the doorstep, was a deliveryman in helmet. He was carrying a box, “May I know whether you are Ms. Flores?”

She nodded her head, “I am.”

The deliveryman passed the box over to her, “This is your parcel, please sign your receipt here.”

Dolores stood rooted to the spot, she hadn’t bought anything. The parcel last time were photos, what would it be this time?

And it was such a big box?

“Can you put it down, and open it up to see whether the items inside are damaged.” Dolores didn’t sign immediately. She was afraid that what was inside was something ‘scary’ or dangerous.

The deliveryman was very easy-going, there were indeed many customers who would want to check whether the items had been damaged. He put down the box, and slit open the tape in a familiar manner. Opening the box, in it was another polystyrene box. The deliveryman opened up the polystyrene box, and on the topmost layer was a cling wrapper, and underneath it was a layer of fresh green carrots.

Dolores was stunned for a moment, surprised that she had received these green carrots.

“Please check whether they are damaged.” The deliveryman raised his head to look at Dolores.

Coming back to her senses, Dolores quickly signed her receipt for the deliveryman, “Could you help me put it in the house?”

She couldn’t manage to carry this box in herself.

The deliveryman replied, “Sure thing.”

Dolores wasn’t intentionally making things difficult for him. She was simply worried that she had received something dangerous. The weather was very hot outside, she retrieved a bottle of cold water from the fridge and passed it to him, “Thank you for your hard work.”

The deliveryman gave a smile, and took the bottle from Dolores, “No worries, this is our job.”

After the deliveryman left, Dolores closed the door and walked to the living room. Looking at the box of green carrots on the table, she reached out to take one out. The leaves were still on it, and it looked particularly fresh. She went into the kitchen to cut one up. It was red inside, and very crunchy. She didn’t have to peel the skin, it came off with a slight scratch. She took a bite, it was not spicy, and it carried a hint of the taste of carrots. This is because in the polystyrene box was a cling wrapper. The carrot tasted refreshing, particularly suitable for this weather.

Click, there was a sound of the room door unlocking. Dolores turned around to take a look. Very quickly, Theresa walked in. Seeing that Dolores was sitting at the table eating carrots, she frowned. She thought to herself, ‘has she gotten addicted to that?’

She changed her shoes and walked over, reaching out to flip open the box on the table. In it were a whole row of fresh carrots. She looked at Dolores in surprise, “You bought so much? Can you finish them?”

Chewing on the carrots in her mouth, Dolores shook her head, “I didn’t buy these.”

The carrot was crunchy, and munching sounds came from Dolores’ chew. Theresa was very curious, are raw carrots so delicious?

She went into the kitchen, took the other half which Dolores had cut and took a bite. There was no taste of the rawness of carrots. Although it wasn’t very yummy, but it was also not bad-tasting. She walked out of the kitchen, “If it’s not you, who bought these?”

Dolores knew it in her heart, and she raised her head to look at Theresa, “I’ve only told you before that I wanted to eat this, who else have you told?”

Theresa was speechless.


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