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Snare of Love novel Chapter 542

Matthew stood close to Dolores, without a trace of expression on his handsome face, stared straight at Charles with his cold and stern eyes.

At the moment when Dolores saw him, she was stunned. She had by no means anticipated that Matthew would appear here.

Dolores was stunned for a while.

She had anticipated that she would meet Matthew in City B or City C, but she did not expect to be in White City, at Charles's wedding. How could he be here?

‘He is here now, what about the two children?’

"Is Mr. Nelson here to attend my wedding banquet?" Charles smiled.

Matthew just took some steady and heavy steps, walked straight over, and stared at Charles gloomily for two seconds, "Do I have any relation with Mr. White?"

Seeing that Matthew was angry, Charles’s mood got better, his smile was also getting annoyed. "Although you and I don't have a deep friendship, your wife and I still have some history. Aren’t husband and wife being one soul? Don't you and Dolores are of the same mind?"

Whenever Matthew heard Charles addressed Dolores' nickname as Lola, he had the impulse to strangle Charles with his hand.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Nelson. I got married to avoid you getting jealous. You should thank me." Charles continued with a smile, "I intend to be friends with Mr. Nelson, but Mr. Nelson has a deep prejudice against me as if I were a villain that indulges in all sorts of evildoings."

"Don’t overvalue yourself. You can’t be described by a villain, you are despicable and shameless." Matthew stood beside Dolores and held her hand. "Compared with a man full of iniquities, people who seem like a gentleman on the surface, but in fact, a brazen person is more annoying," Matthew said in no hurry.

He took Dolores and left after he finished speaking.

Charles looked at them as they walked through the crowd and left, with a faint smile on the corner of his lips.

"Charles, what are you smiling at?" Tiana felt that they were quarreling, but didn’t know why they were quarreling.

"I laughed at Matthew who was naive. I was happy when I saw him angry." Making him feel uncomfortable would be regarded as an act of revenge against him. Charles turned to look at Tiana and asked, "Do you think that the woman just now is good-looking?"

Tiana nodded, "Yes, does she have a baby in her belly?"

"Yes." The smile on Charles's face vanished, remaining the melancholy feeling, he had been trying so hard to win her heart but he still failed in the end.

"Are they husband and wife?" Tiana asked.

Charles gave a hum.

"Then are we husband and wife now?" Tiana asked again.

Charles patiently said yes.

"Let's go." He didn't want to talk about this topic.

Tiana was ingenious, "I push you." She grabbed the wheelchair handle, "Let's go to my father's place."

Charles said, "Ok, let’s go."

Tiana smiled, like a child who was simple, candid, naive and innocent.

Charles looked at her and smiled, too.

Outside the hotel, Matthew held Dolores and kept walking, as if he wanted her to stay away from Charles, forgetting that she was still pregnant, he was walking fast, and never meant to stop, Dolores regained her senses and said, "Slow down a bit!"


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