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Snare of Love novel Chapter 541

He could felt a sense of joy as he entered the hotel. It wasn’t a modern wedding, but a Chinese-style wedding and the entire wedding setting was decorated in red colour. To create a rich Chinese-style ambience, the auditorium, as the venue’s focus, had highlighted the theme and style from the arrangement.

The scene was vibrant. Charles didn’t have many relatives, but many business partners and company executives came, while the rest were the woman’s family and friends, making the wedding scene lively.

No one would pay attention to anyone coming in, as all of them were just focusing on the auditorium at the most striking moment of the wedding. As it was a Chinese-style wedding, there was no doing vow but just Chinese traditional style instead.

The bride wore a Chinese wedding dress with an embroidered skirt, a phoenix crown, covered with a red square scarf, looking subtle and beautiful.

On the other hand, Charles wasn’t wearing the corresponding Chinese tunic suit, but a western formal dress, with a smile on his face all the time, seemingly satisfied with the marriage.

Matthew was not in the mood to enjoy such a wedding and only wanted to find Dolores quickly. However, there were so many people there, and he couldn’t see her at all.

The woman’s parents, who were also prestigious figures, went on stage to speak and express their satisfaction with their son-in-law.

Apart from his legs, Charles’s abilities and appearance were all relatively outstanding.

The only flaw was that his legs couldn’t walk like a normal person.

Although the wedding was a grand ceremony, many of the details were omitted, including sessions such as the bride’s speech, toasts and so on.

Dolores was standing under the red mantle on the right side of the auditorium, quietly looking at the hall. As she was pretty close, she could see the bride’s appearance clearly. The bride had a neat feature, with nothing particularly outstanding and not giving others a stunning impression at first glance. On the contrary, she was the kind of person who made people feel more comfortable the longer they looked at her.

Her eyes were clear as crystals.

At the end of the ceremony, Charles walked down with his bride and came towards Dolores.

“Where are you taking me?” Tiana followed him and asked curiously.

Charles smiled, “I’m taking you to meet someone.”

They soon arrived in front of Dolores, and Charles smiled as he introduced Dolores, “This is my wife, Tiana.”

Dolores greeted her politely, “Hello.”

Tiana blinked her big pure eyes and said, “I’ve met her before.”

Charles smiled and said, “Oh, really? Where did you meet her?”

Dolores also tried to recall it, but she got nothing about her.

Tiana just said blankly, “Cloud’. I saw her when I customized my wedding dress. It was another designer who received my mother and me, and she didn’t notice us.”

Dolores suddenly realized it. No wonder she felt familiar when looking at the wedding dress Tiana was wearing. Only then she remembered that she had seen this design on Theresa’s sketch. This was the first design Theresa had taken on after the opening of Cloud’.

She only remembered it after Tiana mentioned this.

Her memory was getting worse. Could it be that pregnant women really have memory loss?

But there was no such situation when bearing Amanda and Andrew. Or was it because she was overly tired? Despite wanting to go back and rest and then return to city C quickly, this was Charles wedding after all, and she could only leave after the wedding was over.

“I came in a hurry and didn’t prepare any special wedding gift for you. I can only present you with a bigger red packet and hope you have a happy wedding.” Dolores said with a smile.

Charles pretended to be angry, “That’s how insincere you are, trying to get rid of me with a red packet?”

“You’re the one who didn’t tell me in advance. It’s not that I didn’t want to prepare for you. If I knew this was your wife, I wouldn’t have let Theresa charge the money at that time, consider it a gift for your wife. Or perhaps I’ll refund you the money for the custom wedding dress?”

Charles was speechless.

Was he that short of money?

“Now that I’m married, do you still have worries? Talking so sparingly?” Charles asked.

Dolores frowned, ‘Doesn’t he even consider his new wife’s feelings to speak with such disregard for the occasion?’


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