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Snare of Love novel Chapter 556

Armand looked in and confirmed that there was truly a person. His nerve was subconsciously tensed. When seeing the face clearly, he almost pounced at her instantly and caught her. He roared hoarsely, “Theresa!”

Theresa forcibly pushed him away and growled, “Don’t touch me!”

It seemed that she hadn’t returned to her senses from the thrilling experience earlier, so she felt quite nervous whenever being touched. She even rejected him in a panic, although she knew that he was Armand.

Whenever she recalled John’s naked body, she felt so disgusted with men.

Armand was pushed away off-guard. He moved backward and sat on the ground. He could feel her panic and fear. Suddenly, he felt as if his heart was broken and hard to breathe. He was almost strangled.

John was naked, and Theresa didn’t wear many clothes either. He kept clenching his fists. If he had a dagger in his hand, he must have stabbed John to death.

If Theresa hadn’t been raped, he didn’t think she would be so panicked.

Armand sat up and called her carefully, “Theresa, it’s me. I’m Armand.”

Theresa opened her eyes. She looked back and forth and then finally her gaze focused on his bloodshot eyes. “You... How come you...”

She was running away but fell into the cave by accident. She wondered why he showed up here.

“I came to find you.” Armand’s voice was quite hoarse, seemingly he was sobbing.

Theresa looked at him for a few seconds and said politely, “Thank you.”

She appreciated that he came to look for her.

“I don’t need your appreciation. For you, I can do anything.” What he said was from the bottom of his heart. Even she had been raped by John, he wouldn’t mind. He wanted to correct his mistake before and make up for her, and he also wanted to protect her harmed heart.

“Please give me a chance. If I can’t do it well, you can kick me away at any time.” He was almost begging.

Theresa hugged herself tightly. Her exposed skin was clinging to the wall, feeling extremely cold. She huddled up in the corner. “Let’s figure out how to climb up.”

She didn’t agree at all. After experiencing life and death last time, she wouldn’t want to fall in love again. She only wanted to lead a simple life.

Armand didn’t insist on asking her to agree immediately. He decided to behave well in the future. She was wrong. They must figure out how to get out of the cave now.

He looked around and found the cave didn’t have a dead end. There was a long narrow gap, which could fit an adult’s body. He poked out his head and looked out, only to find that it was a cliff outside. The hillside was quite smooth without any trees or rattans to support a human. It was an abyss that was thousands of feet below. Armand gaped in fear. If the impact force was a bit stronger when he slid down, would he have fallen from this gap already?

He felt frightened.

When he was sliding down, he could feel that the cave was quite slippery and it was broad flat. Without any help, a human couldn’t climb up at all. He tried several times but failed.

He thought about using the cell phone suddenly.

He wanted to call Boyce and Matthew. In a hurry, he fumbled it in his pocket. Fortunately, the phone wasn’t missing. He was overjoyed and comforted Theresa, “Don’t be afraid. I still have my cell phone. I’ll call someone to save us.”

While he spoke, he dialed Boyce’s number, but he only heard beeps. He dialed Matthew’s, but he heard the same. He became a bit panicked, wondering why their both lines were busy. He tried to call the attorneys of the law firm but still heard beeps only.

He wondered what was going on.

“Probably there’s no signal here.” They were in a deep forest on a mountain, so it was normal for the phone not to be able to get any signals.

Armand checked the signal sign on the screen, and the signal truly disappeared. He couldn’t see any signal at all.

What should they do?

He stood up and yelled towards the entrance of the cave. He only heard echoes within the cave.


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