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Snare of Love novel Chapter 557

“You don’t need to blame yourself. I don’t appreciate it either.”

Theresa still looked quite cold. She didn’t give Armand a friendly look since they met in the cave.

Pressing his lips, Armand stared at her for a long time. Then he said, “I don’t need you to appreciate me. I just want to do things I want to do.”

Theresa looked away and quieted down.

Armand also fell into the silence.

There was no light in the cave, but outside the cave, it wasn’t completely dark. When it was dust, the sun was going down.

Boyce and Matthew couldn’t find them.

“We are in a high mountain and dense forest now. I don’t think we could find them all by ourselves. I wonder if they have encountered any dangers. There was no response at all after I’ve called for a long time,” said Boyce worriedly.

It was a high mountain, and he wondered if there were any wild beasts in the forest. If Armand hadn’t run away too far, he should have heard it when Boyce called him.

However, they completely lost his trace, so they were worried.

Matthew seemed to read Boyce’s mind. He said, “I’ve never heard that there were any wild beasts here. Call someone over.”

If it went dark, it would be more difficult for them to search.

Boyce and Matthew went out of the forest. When they were in the forest, his cell phone had no signal at all. He tried to call Armand but couldn’t reach him.

He tried to call Armand twice again after leaving the forest but still failed to connect. Hence, he had to call someone over the search with them, and hopefully, they could find Armand and Theresa before the sun completely went down.

Looking at Matthew, he suggested, “Why don’t you go home first? I’ll keep an eye here.”

Matthew checked the time and said, “I’ll wait longer.”

They failed to find Theresa, and now Armand was missing. He wondered what he should tell Dolores after going home.

Boyce didn’t insist. They found a place to sit, waiting for others to come over.

Since the road up to the mountain was way too tortuous, they arrived a bit later than expected. It took them an hour to arrive. There were over a dozen, and all of them were tall and strong, wearing camouflage uniforms. They looked heroic and valiant with all kinds of equipment. Boyce said they would search people in the forest, so they also prepared headlamps.

Boyce followed them up to the mountain. Right then, it was completely dark. After they went into the forest, birds, and animals that were perched in the forest at night were disturbed, and there was a commotion.

The searchers in the camouflage uniforms were divided into six groups, two for each group. The leader walked with Boyce. While searching, the leader said, “It’s better not to look for people in the evening, as the vision is way too poor. There should be traps as well. When you mentioned that they were missing, I guess they might have fallen into traps.”

Boyce brushed the branches in the way, turned back, and looked at the leader. “Are there any traps in the forest?”

The leader said yes. “People would set up traps in the forest to get some wild animals.”

Boyce frowned and looked down at his feet, afraid that he would step on a steel trap.

The leader said jokingly, “Mr. Shawn, I didn’t expect that you would fear something as well. You’ve promoted higher and higher, but you’ve become more and more timid.”

Boyce said with a smile, “Only by being careful can I live long. I dare not relax for a moment. The higher I’ve been promoted to, the greater the responsibility I’ll have.”

“Officer Miller likes you so much. I guess after he’s retired, he would recommend you to his current position. I heard that he wants you to marry his daughter, right?” the leader asked with a smile.

Boyce’s face turned cold. “Stop the nonsense!”

He truly respected Officer Miller, but he never thought about anything else. He also didn’t want others to spread such rumors.

He was a man, so he didn’t care much about it, but he couldn’t let the rumors impact Officer Miller’s daughter.

“Don’t talk such nonsense in the future,” Boyce said solemnly.

The leader noticed his expression. Hurriedly, he said, “I was just bullshitting just now. How could I repeat it?”


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