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Snare of Love novel Chapter 558

Suddenly, Dolores called him. She wanted to ask how Armand was doing, but she didn’t speak it out. She wanted to cook the noodle soup for him first. He must be starved since he hadn’t eaten for a whole day.

“Pardon?” Matthew looked back at her.

“Nothing. Go get changed.” Dolores curled up her lips into a faint smile to him.

Matthew could tell that she wanted to ask about something and understand what she wanted to ask. However, he didn’t expose it and wasn’t in the mood to discuss it with her. He couldn’t tell her anything without finding Theresa or Armand.

He went upstairs, and Dolores went into the kitchen. Since she came back with the children, in the afternoon, Coral went to the supermarket and bought a lot of ingredients. The fridge was full already. Opening it, she looked up and down. Finally, she took out the meat, green peppers, some green vegetables, and tomatoes.

She washed all ingredients. While cutting, she put a pot of water on the stove to boil, which could save her some time.

She sliced the lean meat and marinated it with starch and eggs with seasoning. The cured meat would be particularly smooth and tender. She cut green peppers and tomatoes during the marinating time.

On the second floor, Matthew took a shower and put on pajamas. The texture of silk was soft and smooth. Although he wore a long-sleeved shirt and trousers, he didn’t feel muggy at all. He stepped down on white indoor slippers and went to the children’s room to see the two kids. At this time, both children were sleeping. The villa was extremely quiet, and only a slight noise from the kitchen was heard.

He walked over and stood in the dining room, from where he could see the slim figure busy cooing. He didn’t move, just looking at her in silence. He enjoyed it very much, feeling the warmth from the bottom of his heart.

In fact, the life he longed for was pretty simple, which was just like this moment -- his kids and wife were with him together. After he finished work and went back home, someone was waiting for him at home.

He would ask for much, as long as she was willing to make him a noodle soup personally.

When Dolores was putting the noodles into the boiling water, she was hugged from behind. She looked back, and the tip of her nose touched his cheek. He had just taken a shower, so she smelt the fresh scent of the shower gel.

She gently pushed him with her elbow. “Wait for me outside. It’ll be ready pretty soon.”

Matthew wrapped his arms around her waist, covering her belly with his palm and touching it gently. He bent over his upper body and pressed his chin on her shoulder. “I want to watch you do it.”

Dolores glared at him in anger. “I feel bothered if you keep holding me like this.”

“I don’t care.” He insisted on holding her.

Dolores heaved a sigh, feeling quite speechless. “I’m not as good at cooking as Coral. Just make do with it.”

“As long as the dish is cooked by you, I would love it.” While spoke, he pecked on her cheek.

Dolores didn’t have time to check on him. Before the noodles were fully cooked, she put the lettuces and turned over the gas off. Since Matthew was holding her like this, she couldn’t move around. She patiently said, “Could you stop playing at being cute, please? Just go out and wait for your food.”

Matthew released her, but he didn’t go out. Instead, he pulled her away. “I’ll put it into the bowl.”

He opened the cabinet and got a rice bowl. When he was about to put the noodles into it, Dolores asked, “Are you sure you’re gonna use this bowl?”

Matthew looked down and check it on, but he didn’t find anything wrong. “Don’t we use this bowl to eat?”

He wondered what was wrong.

Dolores heaved a sigh, took the bowl from his hand, and explained to him by the way, “This is a rice bowl. You should put the noodle soup into a noodle bowl because it’s big enough for the soup. The rice bowl is way too small. If you leave the noodles in the pot, they would lump shortly. Hence, you should use this one.”

She opened another cabinet, took out a white glazed noodle bowl, and gave it to Matthew.

Matthew looked up at her and took the bowl over with a smile. He filled the bowl with the noodle soup, and Dolores took the stir-fried dishes to the dining table -- stir-fried tomatoes with eggs and stir-fried green pepper with sliced meat. She put the lettuces in the noodle soup.


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