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Snare of Love novel Chapter 564

Matthew wondered if she didn’t trust him.

He leaned over, pressing his chin on her shoulder. He said in a soft tone ambiguously, his breath blowing the hair next to her ear intentionally or unintentionally, “I wouldn’t sleep with any other woman beside you. Only you could inspire my potential.”

He truly wanted to avoid pissing her off.

He was so close to her and he inhaled on her ear, making her tickled. Dolores moved aside and cast him a glance, “Can’t you be more serious?”

Matthew felt wronged. He was quite serious.

He was serious explaining that he truly didn’t want to sleep with any other women. He didn’t have many female contacts on his cell phone. If there were, it was for his work. He didn’t store the contact number of any indecent woman.

He was afraid that Dolores wouldn’t let go of it.

Suddenly, Dolores understood what he was talking about. Turning to look at him, she put on a smile. “Have I told you? If you’ve cheated on me, I’ll cheat on you with more men.”

Matthew choked up.

Dolores didn’t continue joking with him. She said solemnly, “I know you don’t want me to get involved in this matter. I can’t help you with anything. What I can do is to take care of our kids and myself, so that you wouldn’t have to worry about your family. I’ll leave everything to you. I just find that Declan is quite tough, so I stored Uncle’s phone number on your phone. If there’s anything inconvenient for you to deal with, you can ask Uncle for help.”

After that, she looked up at him. “I don’t care what you will do. You must let the man who bullied Theresa be punished. That’s my requirement for you. Can you promise me?”

Matthew reached out to hold her in his arms. He bent down his head and kissed her on the forehead. He didn’t leave her but pressed her temples while rubbing them. He whispered, “I promise you.”

After getting the answer she expected, Dolores left his embrace. “Go ahead with your work. I’m leaving now.”

“It’s almost noon. Why don’t you leave after lunch?” Matthew grabbed her hand, holding her tightly and unwilling to let her go.

Dolores withdrew her hand but failed. She said seriously, “I’m going to visit Theresa in the hospital.”

Although Matthew still didn’t want her to leave, he could only release her.

“I’ll go back home after seeing her,” said Dolores before leaving the office.

Matthew hummed gently.

Out of the company, Dolores went to the basement garage and sat in the car. The driver sent her to the hospital.

After arriving at the hospital, she called Boyce, asking about their location.

Boyce said Theresa had been sent to the observation room, which was on the third floor.

When Dolores found the observation room on the third floor, she saw Boyce answering a call in the corridor, seemingly he was talking about his word. Seeing her come over, Boyce exchanged a few words with the person on the other end of the line and hung up the phone.

“Theresa is in the room. She’s sleeping now. Armand is with her inside,” said Boyce.

Dolores nodded. She said, “If you are busy, please go ahead with your work and leave things here to me.”

Boyce truly has to deal with something. However, he was concerned. “Are you sure?”

After all, she’s pregnant.

“I’m just pregnant not a patient. Go ahead with your work. I’ll keep an eye here. If I need any help, I’ll call you,” Dolores said determinedly. Boyce couldn’t insist, so he left.

Seeing that Boyce had gone, she walked to the door of the observation room. Through the glass on the door, she saw Armand sitting in front of the bed in a blue-striped patient’s gown. Dolores stood at the door for a moment and pushed the door open gently.

Upon hearing the sound, Armand thought it was Boyce, so he didn’t look back. He just stared at Theresa while sitting in front of her bed silently.

Dolores cast a glance at Theresa, who was still sleeping. She whispered, “Armand, let’s talk outside.”

Realizing it wasn’t Boyce’s voice, Armand looked back. Seeing Dolores, he kept quiet for a few seconds and then nodded in agreement.

He stood up and tucked Theresa into the quilt. Turning around, he said, “Let’s go.”


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