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Snare of Love novel Chapter 565

Armand was so puzzled, wondering what he should do.

Dolores squatted down and patted him on the shoulder. “I don’t know either, but if you truly care about Theresa, just give her more time. Don’t push her too much while asking her to forgive you. You should move her by your practical actions.”

In that case, Theresa would open up her heart and be willing to reconcile with him.

Armand let out a bitter laugh. “I understand what you’re saying, but I’m afraid that I couldn’t do it well. On contrary, I might push him further and further away.”

“As long as you’ll do it wholeheartedly with a clear conscience, she must feel it.” Dolores didn’t know how to comfort him easier, so she tried her best to encourage him.

She thought that Armand must have known what he had done wrong in the past.

In the afternoon, Theresa woke up. After taking the injection and sleeping for a whole morning, she looked much spirited.

Armand knew that she hadn’t eaten much, so he brought back some food. Afraid that Theresa would be upset when seeing him, he asked Dolores to take the food in.

Dolores walked in and helped Theresa to sit up. What Armand bought was cooked wheaten food that was easy to digest. Theresa hadn’t eaten for almost three days, so her stomach was empty. She had been starved for a long time, so she couldn’t eat anything hard or spicy and could only start eating little by little. Hence, Armand didn’t get much food for her.

Watch her finish eating, Dolores gave her a glass of warm water, cleaned the lunch box, and tossed them into the garbage can. Then she sat on the edge of the bed and talked to Theresa.

She knew that Theresa wasn’t willing to be taken care of by Armand, but she still asked, “Your legs were injured, so recently you can walk at all. You need someone to take care of. Armand wants to...”

“I don’t need him to take care of me. Please help me get a nursing worker,” Theresa interrupted Dolores before she finished her words. “Besides, it’s a minor injury.”

Dolores looked at her and didn’t convince her, because Theresa didn’t need the persuasion at all. Only after she was moved by Armand’s actions and fell in love with him again, the love would be true. If Dolores insisted on convincing her, Theresa would only feel bothered.

She didn’t want to upset Theresa.

Grabbing her hand, Dolores said, “I got it. Come to my villa with me. My kids and I are always at home. You wouldn’t be bored. OK?”

Theresa was a bit hesitant. “Well, would it bother your family too much?”

“Bother? Of course not!” Dolores emphasized, “In your current condition, how can I let a nursing worker take care of you?”

Theresa didn’t know what she was thinking about, so she said, “I didn’t get injured so seriously. I truly don’t need...”

“Do you treat me as an outsider?” Dolores interrupted her.

She and Armand had misunderstood -- they thought that Theresa had been raped by John. Dolores didn’t dare to speak it out, so she hid her concerns, afraid that she would give Theresa too much pressure.

After all, Theresa wouldn’t want others to know about this matter.

Dolores was worried that Theresa would make blind and disorderly conjectures if she stayed alone. Although Theresa looked spirited and relaxed, Dolores thought that it was because she pretended to be tough. Hence, Dolores didn’t want Armand to take care of Theresa and insisted on taking her back to the villa.

“Of course not!” Theresa was willing to stay with her certainly. However, they were not in City C now, where there were only Dolores and the kids in the house. Matthew was also in the villa. They had just had a family reunion. Theresa was afraid that she would bother them as an outsider.

Dolores understood what she was worried about. She said, “Don’t worry. We have a lot of rooms in the villa. I’ve called Coral to prepare you a guestroom on the first floor. Just move in. I’ll take care of you.”

Theresa pressed her lips and didn’t refuse her anymore. Dolores asked her to take a nap and she would go through the hospital discharge procedure. Actually, with this excuse, she went to see Armand outside.

Armand didn’t dare to enter the room after Theresa had woken up, afraid to upset her.

He was sitting on the bench in the corridor, his hands on his knees, looking quite depressed. Dolores called him in a low voice, “Hey, Armand.”

“Yes?” He looked over.

Dolores said, “I’ll ask my driver to come over and take Theresa home later. Take good care of yourself. Get better soon.”

Armand nodded. Then he lowered his head.


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