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Snare of Love novel Chapter 566

The voice sounded a bit familiar to Dolores, and soon she recognized the person. She stiffed a bit.

She wondered if she should look back or just pretend not to hear her.

Even if they met, she didn’t know what to talk about.

Right then, the person repeated her name and kept looking at her up and down.

Dolores couldn’t pretend that she hadn't heard her anymore, so she looked back.

Sure enough, Marian was standing afar. They were not quite distanced from each other, but Marina changed a lot. She looked much older. She used to take good care of herself, but now she looked even older than her actual age, having a lot of gray hair.

Marian forced a smile. “I thought I called the wrong person.”

As she spoke, she looked at Dolores’s belly. It had slightly bulged now. She asked, “Almost five months old, is it?”

Dolores hummed. “Almost.”

“Are you shopping here?” asked Marina.

Dolores said yes.

“Are you in a hurry? If not, there’s a cafe on the sixth floor. Shall we have a talk?” Marina suggested.

Dolores pressed her lips without speaking. She wondered what she could talk about with Marina.

“I don’t mean anything, just want to talk to you. I’m alone at home, always bored,” said Marina with a smile.

Since she said so, Dolores would be quite heartless if she kept refusing. Even if she didn’t want to mention her relationship with the Harris family, Marina didn’t do anything wrong. They used to talk with each other like a family and have meals together.

“Please wait for me,” Dolores said to the driver.

The latter nodded. “Okay, Mrs. Nelson.”

“There’s an elevator.” Marian pointed at the elevator and said.

Dolores walked over. They wait for the elevator to come down and went to the sixth floor. Marina chose an inner corner next to the window. It was quiet in the cafe, and there were almost no customers.

A waiter came over. Marina ordered a cup of coffee and looked over at Dolores. She asked, “What would you like to order?”

“A glass of fruit juice, please.”

Marina passed the menu to the waiter and said, “A cup of coffee and a glass of fruit juice. Thanks.”

“All right.” The waiter took over the menu and asked, “What kind of coffee would you like, Ma’am?”

“Anyone would be fine,” said Marina.

“Okay, Ma’am.” He left.

Dolores and Marina looked at each other in silence for a while. Dolores didn’t know how to start the conversation. Should she ask Marina how she had been recently?

Obviously, she wasn’t doing great.

However, Dolores couldn’t find any suitable words for this moment.

Finally, Marina started a subject. “The bigger the baby grows to, you’ll feel more exhausted. Do you feel tired now?”

Dolores said in a low voice, “I’m all right, just more sleepy than before. I heard others were quite sleepy at the beginning, but I became sleepy very late.”

Marina smiled. After all, she had given birth before, so they had some common topics. “When I was carrying Noah, I also became sleepy very late. You didn’t get fat at all. I gained a lot of weight at that time. Before giving birth, I reached seventy kilograms already.”

Dolores smiled. “Probably it’s because of my constitution. I could hardly gain weight.”

When Marina still wanted to say something, the waiter came over. He served Marina with the coffee and Dolores with the juice. “Please let me know if you need anything else.”

Dolores hummed faintly. After he left, she picked up the juice and took a few sips.

Marina picked up her coffee but didn’t drink. She was considering how to tell Dolores about Jeffery.

However, no matter what she would say, the atmosphere would become quite embarrassing.

In the end, she gave up.


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